Published Oct 17, 2014
118 Posts
Hi folks,
I have a telephone interview Monday with the hiring manager for United Health Group (UHG) for a ]Telephonic RN Case Manager.
Does anyone work for UHG?
What can I expect the interview to be like?
20 Posts
I have had the video interview (I had that on 9-30), but I haven't heard anything since then. I'm guessing that you have already had the HireVue video? I hope your phone call goes well!
No, I had a brief phone interview with somebody in Chicago. Next is a face to face with a hiring manager here in Ohio.
I'm so jealous! I hope your interview goes amazingly!
286 Posts
The interrogation is brutal. They put you in a cold room under bright lights and ask you unanswerable questions for hours.
Just kidding.
The usual stuff. Great company to work for. Hope you get the job.
13 Posts
I am interviewing with them Friday. How was your interview? Did you get the job?
127 Posts
The video interview was cool. Easy and simple basic questions. The telephone interview was easy as well. No stress!
I have done both video and telephone, I am doing face to face tomorrow. what can I expect? I have been researching my butt off and am so nervous!
14 Posts
I just accepted a job with them in the Houston, TX area - start in August. Can anybody give me some personal insight into what it's like working for them as a case manager. Like are the hours somewhat flexible - like say you needed to have a Monday off so you worked Saturday instead. Or say you wanted to start your day's earlier so you could end them earlier. Is that possible?