UFV September 2018


Hello fellow potential UFV Nursing students,

I have completed my application for Fall 2018 BSN intake and I thought that I would start a thread for open discussions, what marks everyone is applying with, concerns and such. Good luck to everyone!

Hi fellow UFV applicants!

I have also completed my BSN application for Sept 2018 and wanted to get to know how everyone else's applications went!

As of right now, I have applied with 3 A's and 1 B, and about 200 volunteer hours. I upgraded my B, but not sure if my mark will be updated in time.

How about anyone else, what marks have you guys applied with, and how many hours? Is this everyones first time applying ?

hey! I applied with 3 A's and 1 B, but I did my Bachelors of Science, with a Bio Major, and my B was my high school Bio, so they said they'll probably take one of my Bio's from my undergrad that has an A. And I have over 1700 volunteer hours. The waiting is so nerve wracking!!!

Hey all! I am applying with 3A' and 1 B with 100 Volunteer hours, and 3 years working experience in a health care office (Fraser health) as a unit aide/receptionist

I hope this is good enough !! I was told that with a 3.75 GPA it does not guarantee you into the info session anymore ( this is what the academic advisor said) but Ive heard from so many of you that it does... can anyone clarify this?

Last semester I completed ENG 105, SOC 101 ... This semester while I wait I am doing PSYCH 101 and STAT 104

Anyone know how long it takes for them to send you an email for the INFO session ???

It seems like for the Sept 2017 class they got invites to the info session around mid-end of March!

I was told that info session invites will be around end of March as well! Does anyone know what the average was for the January 2018 intake?

I tried to look for that but I couldnt find a specific average :(. Seems like there were a few people with all A's and a few with 3 A's and 1 B

so nerve racking!!

this may be a stupid question but when you get accepted for the Info session what do you do there do you write an essay or anything or just listen to someone talk about the program... and does this pretty much guarantee an interview? are the interviews at this time or do you go to the info session and then they call you for interview? sorry confused about the process ! :)

I think they first send out info session emails and then everyone invited attends, and from there they send out interview emails after. Not sure of what the info session consists of. But I have read something about an essay, just not sure which stage that takes place. Hope that some what answers your question.

Hi all! I was accepted into the winter 2018 intake for UFVs nursing program, so I know how nerve wracking this process can be!! As far as I know, everyone with a minimum of 3 A's and 1 B gets an invite to the info session and interview. You will write your essay during the info session. It starts pretty much right away. They give you a certain amount of time to write it (around 30 minutes or so). After the essay portion is done, they will discuss the program a little bit with you guys. The interviews are on a different day, which they will email you with details about :)

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