UFV January 2016 Hopeful Applicants!

World Canada CA Programs



I am just finishing up my prereqs this semester and will have everything ready to go after I get my marks back from finals in a few weeks. I am excited/nervous! I am 24 and have been working at an eye surgery office for the past almost 4 years so have lots of hours to apply with. I feel old...! But I know in the big picture life is just beginning! Anybody else applying for the January 2016 intake? Or has anyone applied before and have any tips?

Thanks guys and good luck!! :)

Congratulations!!!! So exciting!!

Yay! So excited!!

Are any of you planning on working while in the program?

I only plan on working in the summer. Not looking forward to all the debt though!

No I don't plan on working either! Are you also in the program for January jsandhu?

I won't be working either, only in the summers.

I am currently in the program, just finished semester 3. If you are great at time management and use your time efficiently you can work. I work almost full time hours in a nursing home at night and go to school during the day...totally manageable.

Wow that's impressive! You are Wonder Woman haha

i wish i could be like that

Hello Ladies I need your help,

I am just starting my prerequisites I am doing Pre-calc 11 online I am aiming for an A of course, I have a B in biology and I took that in 2013... should I retake and try to aim for an A? I have already taken Eng 105 I receieved a B, I have a B in English 12 also... should I be retaking this ??? I am trying my best to complete all this before January of 2017 intake so I can apply then, I have an interview today to volunteer at ARH, and I have been working as a unit clerk/unit aide for a year now, my question is what is the actual interview like... can you fill me in on some of the questions they ask you, and what is the applciation essay like? do they just say tell me about yourself and why you would be a good attribute to the program? the do's and donts??? Id like to know the ins and outs so I can be fully prepared anyone who can give me their insight would be fantastic and I would praise you forever! LOL please help a girl out :)

Hey there!

So first off, it's all based on a point system so meaning grades and interview points are worth the most. So the requirements are Bio 12, Math 11, Eng 12 and Chem 11. You need to have at least two A's and two B's to make it to the orientation. You didn't mention what you got in Chem 11. But I would highly suggest you re-take the classes you feel are easy to get an A. Try to have at least 3 A's and 1 B. I got into the program with those and my friend also had the same grades (3A and 1B) and just recently got into the Sept intake.

Try to take bio online through Abby Virtual, it's really easy and you can get it done easily. Try to take English or chem online also. I find chem easier but whatever you feel is easiest to get it done in a short amount of time. Especially because the deadline is in Aug for the Jan 2017 intake.

Also don't worry if you can't get everything done in time. Stressing about it won't help at all. Even if you apply to the Sept 2017 intake that's great and plus you have the choice to do it in 3 years whereas in Jan it's a 4-year program only.

At the orientation is where you write the essay. It's not really an essay but its rather three questions and you give a paragraph answer to each.

Also, for volunteer hours try to get at least over 100 hours because even though online it says minimum 30 hours, that's not going to get you most points. At the orientation, they told us that less than 50 hours is 1 point, between 50 and 100 hours is 2 points and over 100 hours is 3 points max.

Writing the essay part wasn't that difficult since you can look on some forums and find old questions. Interview was the most difficult part for me because I was quite nervous beforehand and didn't know what to expect. But they are really nice so you don't feel nervous at all. Try to prepare beforehand for the interview by going on forums and reading up because they do sometimes have questions posted. What I did was type up all the questions I could find and think of then answered them.

Here are some questions they asked me:

1. What is clinical judgement?

2. You're dealing with a patient who has anger issues. How would you care for this patient?

3. What support elements do you have?

4. How do stress and health go together?

5. Caring is one value that nurses have. What is another value and how have you demonstrated this?

6. You're dealing with a patient who has different life choices than you. How would you care for this patient?

7. What does academic misconduct mean to you?

8. How do you prioritize?

At the interview, you just need to be yourself and be confident. It is intimidating but stay calm and speak clearly so they can note down what you are saying. They just want to know who you are and whether you can handle being in the program. Other than that, they are really nice and make you feel relaxed.

I hope that helps!

Good luck on your application :)

Hey there!

So first off, it's all based on a point system so meaning grades and interview points are worth the most. So the requirements are Bio 12, Math 11, Eng 12 and Chem 11. You need to have at least two A's and two B's to make it to the orientation. You didn't mention what you got in Chem 11. But I would highly suggest you re-take the classes you feel are easy to get an A. Try to have at least 3 A's and 1 B. I got into the program with those and my friend also had the same grades (3A and 1B) and just recently got into the Sept intake.

Try to take bio online through Abby Virtual, it's really easy and you can get it done easily. Try to take English or chem online also. I find chem easier but whatever you feel is easiest to get it done in a short amount of time. Especially because the deadline is in Aug for the Jan 2017 intake.

Also don't worry if you can't get everything done in time. Stressing about it won't help at all. Even if you apply to the Sept 2017 intake that's great and plus you have the choice to do it in 3 years whereas in Jan it's a 4-year program only.

At the orientation is where you write the essay. It's not really an essay but its rather three questions and you give a paragraph answer to each.

Also, for volunteer hours try to get at least over 100 hours because even though online it says minimum 30 hours, that's not going to get you most points. At the orientation, they told us that less than 50 hours is 1 point, between 50 and 100 hours is 2 points and over 100 hours is 3 points max.

Writing the essay part wasn't that difficult since you can look on some forums and find old questions. Interview was the most difficult part for me because I was quite nervous beforehand and didn't know what to expect. But they are really nice so you don't feel nervous at all. Try to prepare beforehand for the interview by going on forums and reading up because they do sometimes have questions posted. What I did was type up all the questions I could find and think of then answered them.

Here are some questions they asked me:

1. What is clinical judgement?

2. You're dealing with a patient who has anger issues. How would you care for this patient?

3. What support elements do you have?

4. How do stress and health go together?

5. Caring is one value that nurses have. What is another value and how have you demonstrated this?

6. You're dealing with a patient who has different life choices than you. How would you care for this patient?

7. What does academic misconduct mean to you?

8. How do you prioritize?

At the interview, you just need to be yourself and be confident. It is intimidating but stay calm and speak clearly so they can note down what you are saying. They just want to know who you are and whether you can handle being in the program. Other than that, they are really nice and make you feel relaxed.

I hope that helps!

Good luck on your application :)

Thank you so much for the descriptive insight!!! I realyl appreciate this, it is so nerve ending trying to get in but its always been my dream I have a four year old little girl named Maiya and all I want is for her to be proud of me :) Its a journey to get there but definetely worth it I see all the nurses in their scrubs and Im all like "I want that to be me!!!" haha :)

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