UFV January 2016 Hopeful Applicants!

World Canada CA Programs



I am just finishing up my prereqs this semester and will have everything ready to go after I get my marks back from finals in a few weeks. I am excited/nervous! I am 24 and have been working at an eye surgery office for the past almost 4 years so have lots of hours to apply with. I feel old...! But I know in the big picture life is just beginning! Anybody else applying for the January 2016 intake? Or has anyone applied before and have any tips?

Thanks guys and good luck!! :)

Hope to see you too! I'm sure you will get a seat, don't worry!

So if someone makes the group just let us all know the name so we can find it :)

I went ahead and created a Facebook group. The name is, "UFV Nursing: Winter 2016." Feel free to add suggestions if I should adjust/change something.

I can't find it :(

Type in Ufv Nursing: winter 2016 and there's a little belt looking icon on the right which allows you to filter by group! Try that, it worked for me!

It says no results. I will message you on here with my name and maybe you can invite me?

I actually decided that I will be going to UFV.

I'm crossing my fingers that you get a seat bg95! Good luck and please keep us posted! :)

I can't find the group either :( I thought maybe because I was using my app so I tried the desktop site and still nothing.. Tried searching for it all different ways and nothing came up.. I'll keep trying lol.

Send me your name on Facebook and I can send you a group invite :)

HI Everyone! Congratulations to those who got in for January! For those that didn't, don't give up...try and try again! You will get there!!

I am just about finished semester 1, it is well worth the sacrifices and struggles you have to go through to get in! Good Luck and see you in January!

Hey guys, I was on the waitlist but a seat become available today so I'm accepted as well! I'm so excited to start this journey with all of you!!

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