2011 UCSF MEPN Applicants

Nursing Students Post Graduate



Is there anyone lurking who is planning to apply to the 2011 program?

I have spent the last 12 years in financial marketing/communications and am excited to try and change paths into nursing. I am currently taking my prerequisite courses at city college- stats and anatomy/physiology- and going in for the GRE Saturday. I'm volunteering at a children's hospital, which is causing me to consider the pediatric nurse practitioner track... I know UCSF is very competitive and it's a long-shot for someone like me to get in, but I feel like I have to try! If it doesn't happen next year, then I'll just keep building my volunteer experience and re-apply. Also on my mind is that if for some miracle I were to get in how I would pay for it.

But enough about me... what are some other candidates' takes on preperation, interests, anxieties, etc?

Hi EnvisagePsych28!

I think your stats sound good and the reality is that many of us bring such unique backgrounds and hold our own unique strengths that will hopefully shine in the application process. Aside from being passionate about applying to UCSF, I would recommend that you touch on how you have still tried to remain connected to your interest in the psychiatric field while working int he financial world.

Artemis30-Yeah, I am just embarrassed with one of my professors but the rest of the letters are from people I can easily approach and bug over and over again, haha.

Cartwheel- FNP track here! :)

Good luck everyone! I'm browsing online right now for a GRE review book. I have a good 5 weeks to study, aside from summer school, my full time job and other responsibilities that Ineed to balance. I just have to try my best! We all do-if we want it, we have to hustle for it! :) :yeah:

Hi Adrian!

Very wise words. It's great to have such support here for what will undoubtedly be a stressful time. Which GRE book did you decide on? I recently got the Kaplan Study Guide and GRE for Dummies. So far, the latter has some good test taking strategies and I haven't opened the Kaplan guide. I've also found a website that I think is somewhat helpful: Number2.com :: Free Online Test Prep.

Best of luck to you and everyone else here in the same boat! We can do this!


Thank you C!

I ended up going with the Kaplan Review book and I also purchased two additional products-one for practicing common vocabulary on the test and another for the math skills portion. Who knows if I will even get to make full use of all of these but I hope to at least skim through all of them. The most important thing is practicing our timing on the practice exams!

Is it just me, or is the UCSF application still not LIVE?

Still not, though I did hear that it should be open within a week or so. I really wanted to take a crack at it over the long weekend!...I guess I'll just have to wait.

Thanks for the 411 howie! I hear you on the weekend portion. Well, we can still start working on the personal statement-it has the same underlying theme for all applications! :)

Ahhh I've been checking every day! I hope it opens Tuesday I can't wait to get started! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

At the informational meeting they said it will open mid July.

Thanks for the info! I assume the due date is still 9/1 or are they extending the deadline?

No, the deadline is still Sept. 1.................... someone asked

Ok.I decided to finally join this post. I am going to apply for the Oncology CNS track. I called the school yesterday, and they said they were hoping to open the application next week.

Just got an update. They are now hoping to open applications next Friday.

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