UCLA New Grad Program 2010

Nurses New Nurse


Has anyone heard anything back from the UCLA New Grad Summer Program for 2010? I applied in the beginning of February and have only had a phone interview so far, with no feedback yet. Any info or others' experience would be much appreciated, thank you!

sdnewgradnurse, did you call them to check on your status? This whole process made me realize how big the UCLA bureaucracy is and how you have to check and double check. My physical is tomorrow...I will try to get more info on start dates for the classes, etc.

sdnewgradnurse, did you call them to check on your status? This whole process made me realize how big the UCLA bureaucracy is and how you have to check and double check. My physical is tomorrow...I will try to get more info on start dates for the classes, etc.

Hi newRNAllie! Unfortunately, I wasn't offered a position :( (sigh) I actually called several times, and only got her vmail, so I left a message, but did not receive a call back. I emailed the Unit Director, and still didn't hear anything. So, I emailed Sheri Monsein, and asked her how Unit Directors deal with those not offered a position because I never heard back at the time I was told I would. She emailed me back saying "Clarice had been out sick, but I was able to get a hold of her. She will not be offering a position at this time." As disappointed as I was and still partly am.......I have to keep my head up. It was a great experience, and I'm glad that I was at least given the chance to interview. Again, thanks to all on this forum. A BIG Congratulations to those offered positions & good luck w/ the start of your career :yeah: and GOOD LUCK to all those who are still looking! We'll all find something eventually :)

SDNewGradNurse- Did you try applying to Loma Linda University Medical Center? I don't know where you live or if you would relocate but all I know is they sure are short staffed here. I'm on the oncology floor and have 3 (12) hour shifts per week and of coorifice the new grad classes "boot camp" as they are called. I will be totally on my own by the end of February which is when I get my three month review and will no longer be probationary. At that point they told me I can put in for extra shifts during the day or night since they are so short handed. You might try calling and ask to speak with the nurse education to see if they plan on hiring. Good Luck.

SDNewGradNurse- Did you try applying to Loma Linda University Medical Center? I don't know where you live or if you would relocate but all I know is they sure are short staffed here. I'm on the oncology floor and have 3 (12) hour shifts per week and of coorifice the new grad classes "boot camp" as they are called. I will be totally on my own by the end of February which is when I get my three month review and will no longer be probationary. At that point they told me I can put in for extra shifts during the day or night since they are so short handed. You might try calling and ask to speak with the nurse education to see if they plan on hiring. Good Luck.

Hi Persistancepays! I applied to Loma Linda Children's new grad program that was posted Jan 3rd, but received my "rejection" email on Jan 20th. I was looking into applying at Loma Linda Univ. Medical Center, but are new grad positions posted as Clinical Nurse B? I was a little confused. Thanks for the heads up, I will definitely give them a call! I really appreciate it :) Take care!


Yes, they do not list the jobs as new grad. You can apply to any positions with Clinical Nurse B.

Don't apply to any at the new hospital in Murietta since they aren't having any new grad program yet. When I got this job I applied to the Loma Linda University Medical Center- a Clinical Nurse B position in oncology. I also had applied to the Children's hospital a while back and got an interview but they then decided not to hire anyone. I know there is a large group (15) new grads going through the children's hospital program now. I've been over there a few times and have met a few. Good Luck

sdnewgradnurse, i'm so sorry that you didn't get a position at ucla. please keep us posted about where you do wind up working, because we all feel like friends at this point, having gone through this process together! i wish you the very best, and know you will find a job that is a perfect fit...
sdnewgradnurse, i'm so sorry that you didn't get a position at ucla. please keep us posted about where you do wind up working, because we all feel like friends at this point, having gone through this process together! i wish you the very best, and know you will find a job that is a perfect fit...

aww thanks so much! i really feels great to have the support and hear encouragement from you guys since you know what i'm going through! i will definitely update you guys! let me know how things all go w/ you all as well!! :) thanks again!

Specializes in NSI - Neuroscienc ICU intern.

Questions for anyone who applied to the UCLA new grad program last year:

I am planning to apply for the new grad program this March and was hoping folks could give a few bits of information.

1. Is the entire application on-line or do you send in a physical application by snail mail? I want to have all my stuff in the correct form before the applications open.

2. Can you select where you do your interview if you are out-of-state? I am not in LA but I want to do a live interview in LA if possible. I am from LA so going there for a just a day would be fine with me. Did they just assign you a time and day? How far in advance?

3. Does the application information open on the same site that the info is now listed on (i.e., the "EVENTS" section of the Nursing at UCLA page?

Thanks. Any other info that you think would be helpful would be most appreciated. I am just trying to get the logistical details sorted out asap.

Questions for anyone who applied to the UCLA new grad program last year:

I am planning to apply for the new grad program this March and was hoping folks could give a few bits of information.

1. Is the entire application on-line or do you send in a physical application by snail mail? I want to have all my stuff in the correct form before the applications open.

It was all online, but they could change that, so I recommend reading the application carefully!

2. Can you select where you do your interview if you are out-of-state? I am not in LA but I want to do a live interview in LA if possible. I am from LA so going there for a just a day would be fine with me. Did they just assign you a time and day? How far in advance?

They were very flexible with interview scheduling (so I heard) - I was called and they asked me to come 2 days later because they wanted to get me in before the Winter Holiday break - I as thrilled and Im local so it was a non-issue for me. I would go as early as possible given the offer of interview times. :twocents: As I understood it, some people were hired on the spot (or same day)and of course that made less room for people who had not yet even been interviewed.

3. Does the application information open on the same site that the info is now listed on (i.e., the "EVENTS" section of the Nursing at UCLA page?

Don't remember and they could potentially change it for the next round. It was definitely an easy self-explanatory process. Their server is slow, so the process of filling out the application took a long time. Often it "timed-out" and I had to start again at some mid-point where it self-saved. I would have everything ready to cut and paste into the application so it takes less time and doesn't "time-out" on you.

Thanks. Any other info that you think would be helpful would be most appreciated. I am just trying to get the logistical details sorted out asap.

Get your application in as soon as it opens - definitely get it in the same day it opens.

Good Luck!

Also...the position was listed where you find all the other UCLA health system jobs under the nursing section. Good luck and be patient, UCLA definitly has a long application process. This forum was a very helpful way to find out where UCLA in the process and definitly relieved a lot of anxiety, so stay on here!

@JenJen82084 - still waiting to hear from NTICU :uhoh21: I was told we would hear by the end of the month. Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us! Have any other ICU's heard anything?

Have you heard back from NTICU yet? It's Feb already >.

Specializes in OR.

Interviewed with OR... and it is officially "early February" so I am glued to my phone waiting for ANY news. UGH.

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