Ucf/ssc concurrent nursing program spring 16

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello, all! I couldn't find any posts on here for anyone applying to the UCF/SSC Concurrent Nursing Program Spring 2016, so I decided to start one myself. I'm currently a UCF student and don't know anyone else applying to this particular semester. Hopefully another eager applicant finds this post so that I know I'm not the only one waiting for decisions!!

Blondie, could you give us a basic list of items needed for the program? Obviously a stethoscope and such, but maybe somethings that are less thought of? Blood pressure cuff, scissors, penlight, etc? Thanks! :)

If I am already a UCF student and got the UCF Immunizations done when I first started in 2013, do I have to do them all over again?

RNMANDI- yes! You got most of it. stethoscope, penlight, bandage scissors, hemostats, measuring tape, multi colored pen (you can push down whichever color you need to use for charting), clipboard (I recommend white coat clipboard. A lot of us have them. They can fit in your uniform pockets and they're HIPPA safe) and a HUGE bag. You're constantly going to be carrying a lot of stuff. Lots of ppl have rolling backpacks. I got the trimmed Vera tote by Vera Bradley because it has 8 pockets - I can separate my stethoscope, bp cuff, and everything else. The bookstore makes a bundle for the nursing program books. The books in the bundle cover all your books for the first two semesters (except ucf stuff)- I spent about $1400 on books!

AdelaCruz- some immunizations you might still need. Most you probably won't. For example- if you got your MMR vaccine as a child, you wouldn't ever get that redone. It's possible you could be up to date on all immunizations and won't need any. I didn't have an accepted documented record of having chicken pox (at least it wasn't in a format they liked)- so I had to get a titer for that. I also had to get a tdap (once every 10 years)- I was due for that. It's possible you have them all. In which case you'll just need your doctor or a doctor to sign off on your physical form and do a TB test. You will need to gather records of all your immunizations. I got some of mine from my pediatrician, some from the seminole county health department (they keep records on everyone) and then some from my current doctor for the stuff I had to get done before class started.

Which programs did you guys apply for? Concurrent or generic?

Ok, thanks so much. I have a better understanding now. I applied for the concurrent :)

Thanks Blondie!!! Wow...$1400 on books is so much! But I guess if it's everything you need for the first 2 semesters then it's not so bad. Thanks for the list and the recommendation on the clipboard. I am going to go ahead and put it on my list now :) I applied for the concurrent program. I am a planner by nature and I absolutely hate anything unknown. The waiting is killing my soul...LOL

My status changed to eligible, it's the little things that excite me! :cat:

Mine too! It's a step in the right direction! lol

Yay! I'm so excited for all of us. I wonder how many people have applied to this program.

My status finally changed to eligible as well! Whew, I was really kinda nervous for a second! Just wondering, are any of you planning on working at all during this time? I'm planning on keeping my part time job, just not sure how much I'll be able to handle! (gonna start out at one day a week if accepted)

I was contemplating working as well but I decided to at least take the first semester off of work and then go back knowing how much work I can or can't handle.

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