Published May 9, 2009
56 Posts
Hello everyone,
I have applied to the UCF Basic BSN program, however, for the Daytona Campus. Does anyone know how competitive it is to get into their school? My stats are the following:
Pre-req GPA: 3.88
Science GPA: 4.0
Cum GPA: 3.4
I spoke to someone from the Nursing Department the other day and she said decision letters won't be mailed out till the end of July or beginning of August. Anyone hear otherwise?? Anyone else apply for Daytona?? Any information would be much appreciated!
3,445 Posts
I was going to apply to UCF Daytona's Basic BSN program but have since decided to pursue the BSN at UF instead. However, an advisor @ UCF Orlando told me that applicants to the Daytona program tend to have lower GPAs on average than the ones who apply to the Orlando programs (particularly the accelerated BSN which she stated averaged @ 3.7). Your GPAs are competitive for the Daytona program I'm sure -- Good luck to you!
93 Posts
what you heard is true we will be hearing something around the end of July and the beginning of august. But I will be attending the campus in Cocoa beach.
2 Posts
I was told that you would be able to work full time and attend the Acc BSN program? Is that true? It's seems pretty intensive.
Has anyone heard anything yet form Cocoa Beach or Daytona? keep me posted because I am waitting too
116 Posts
Hey! I posted a new thread about this last week! I have not heard back yet but they told me the same thing-end of July beginning of August! I am DYING to know!!
Okay, I just called UCF and the girl there told me they are sending them out this week and next week...good luck! I don't anticipate getting in yet, but.....
I hope I get in too. Have you spoken to anyone who attened the school? I pray I get in!
To: Conandcait
Were you able to speak to anyone who attended or attends the school?
I know of no one that has applied there. They told me at UCF ages ago that there were fewer applicants there, so you never know! Like I said, it would be a miracle if I got in this fast, but you never know I guess. I am going out of town this weekend and I havea friend checking my mailbox!!! Let me know when you hear!! Good luck! Kelli
I am applying to cocoa beach but because it is a regional campus like they daytona it's very similar, so I am waiting and like you said it would be a miracle so I'm praying I get in and hope u get in too. Do you stay near that campus?