UC San Diego Health New Grad January 2018

Nurses New Nurse


Hi! Just wanted to start a thread for those who have applied to the UC San Diego Health new grad program starting in January 2018. Has anyone heard back at all?

Specializes in Emergency.

Except the posting is open until Tuesday, so maybe they will wait until it closes.

any updates on their application status changes?

I applied to the CVC PCU and have not received any communication. I have emailed the recruiters asking about the time line with no response (though they were in contact before). My status still says OPEN.

Pinkuu--how was the panel interview?

I received a call today to interview for new grad icu residency.

When is your interview scheduled for? Do you think they're still reaching out to more people?

My interview is coming up. I am not sure if they are still reaching out or not. I wasn't informed of that info.

Has anyone else here get reached out for interview for ICU?

Thanks! The only healthcare related work experience I have is as a caregiver, and that's not in the hospital setting. I can't say that I really have anything that stands out to employers as much as you all. I am a career changer too, but I doubt that is what got me those me calls. I wish I could be more of help!

... And I didn't get the CVC PCU job. The panel interview went great tho. It wasn't as intimidating as I thought it was going to be. I felt very welcomed and was highly impressed with the professionalism of management and staff. It was about 30 mins. Some "What would you do in this situation" and "tell about a time when" questions. The decision was made fairly quickly. I believe all interviews were held on the same day and we received notification the day after.

Congrats 7593ie!! I wish I got a call from them haha. Med Onc did phone screenings today tho.

Pinkuu, do you know how many people did they bring on that unit you interviewed for? Was it only 1?

Hi, sorry for the late reply. Yes, I was informed they were only choosing one person.

How was your interview?! From what I understand Hillcrest ICU had interviews AND made their decision this week. And for some odd reason, they re-posted that same new grad position to their website--this time saying they have 4 openings instead of 3...

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