UALR Nursing Program Applicant 2014

U.S.A. Arkansas


I plan on applying for the ADN progam at UALR soon. I am a nervous reck. I know there are more people applying than spots available. I have about 96 quality points. I made an 84 on my evolve exam. I have a 3.5 gpa. I have taken most of my Support Courses except Chemistry and Microbiology. I am taking Micro in the spring and have to repeat chemistry b/c I made a D in it about 10 years ago. I'm scared that chemistry will ruin my chances. I have a prior bachelors degree. I was just wondering what shot do I have of getting in the program.

Okay friends...I actually called and was told to send an email and I got a response today...She said they are still working on applications and that they were STILL sending out acceptances...fingers crossed for those of us who haven't heard anything:)

Hello Everyone! I just found this forum tonight (so happy I did)! I have been watching youtube videos on people's experience/tips/advice for nursing school. Also, I've been accepted into UALR nursing accelerated track and I'm trying to gain as much knowledge and advice as I can, before we start the 27th. With that said, I would love to know if the Nursing Fundamentals book comes with a CD/DVD that demonstrates the "skills?" If so, we might be able to start "practicing" these skills beforehand. Also, how many times are we able to "fail" a skill check-off before we get kicked out of the program? I'm am so looking forward to meeting you all THIS SATURDAY!!!! From the knowledge that I have gained from watching my fellow youtube nursing students, they would say, "Don't be late!" :)

@urmandyjoy there wasn't a CD/DVD that I know of. The 4 skills that we will be tested on from what I understand are vital signs (BP, pulse, respiratory rate, temp), Foley catheter insertion, sterile dressing change, and medication administration. There are some good videos on YouTube. Search for 'hawknurse' as I found her videos particularly helpful for the skills. I also believe that we get 3 chances at each of the skills. For the lecture portion of class, there are 4 tests and 4 quizzes. (This information may have changed since the last entering class, so don't quote me on it!)

I am both really excited and terribly nervous about starting the program!

Welcome, urmandyjoy! So excited to see another accelerated student! I know from a friend who is in the program now that we are allowed two chances to pass the skills check offs (2 per skill). While we do the pulse/respirations, we take them while an instructor takes them at the same time, and our numbers are required to be within 4 of the instructor. I'm nervous and excited, which I'm sure you are too! It's nice to "meet" you!

Thanks ladies! I have a feeling I'll be practicing in the skills lab a lot. I am very nervous but we WILL make if we help each other!!! :) I'm so excited I can't stand it!

Another question! :) I have been seeing/hearing the word "practicum" while watching all these youtube videos, is that like a final or something? When would we have to take that?

I know Im late. lol. But i didnt get a message from you. weird. add me please! Angelica Leigh Bennett on fb. I need as many friends as possible in this nursing program

abennett1291, I think I found you on facebook (in a non-creepy way)--i think you liked a comment i posted to the ualr nursing page. recognized your picture and sent you a message! Looks like we will be in accelerated together!

I know Im late. lol. But i didnt get a message from you. weird. add me please! Angelica Leigh Bennett on fb. I need as many friends as possible in this nursing program

I know this is early but I was thinking about creating a facebook page designed especially for our class. This is a place where all of us can get together and post assignment reminders, ask questions, post study guides that we have created, etc. Once we start the program, we can invite everyone else! I know that I check facebook more often than anything and I get all the notifications on my phone. So what do you all think? Let me know your opinions! :) See you tomorrow! I'M EXCITED!

I just added you :) my message probably went to your "other" folder in your Facebook messages. When you're not friends with someone they go there now and most people don't even know that folder exists! Haha

Hey everyone add me on Facebook too! The link to my fb page is on here on my profile. Also, you peeps have to fill me in on what they say in orientation tomorrow. I'm so bummed I won't be there.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Thanks everybody for the posts. When I started this post I had no ideal it would turn into this, but I'm glad I started it. I will add yall on facebook too.

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