UAB anyone

Nursing Students SRNA


I was wondering if anyone out there has applied to UAB. Does anyone know when interviews are held? I heard that they will be later this year compared to last year.

I was granted an interview for Mobile. The interview isn't until Jan. I have heard of 2 people so far getting an interview in Mobile. The past classes for Mobile has been small. 6-10 people. Anyway good luck.

Specializes in PACU, ICU, CCU, ER, OR,.

Hi. I'm new to this site. I just got an inteview letter in the mail today from UAB. I applied for the Montgomery component. Interview is in January. I was told they would interview 10 people and accept 4-7 into the Montgomery component, yikes!

Specializes in MICU/CICU/Currently CVR.

Hey everybody! Got my interview letter today for Jackson, MS component. Jackson interviews will be Feb. 2, 2008.

Good luck to everybody!

KC :specs:

Specializes in Cardiac Care, ICU.

Hey, congrats to all who have an interview and sorry about those of you who didn't. I hope it will work out for you next time you apply. I somehow did not get my letter that I had an interview. I just happenened to find out when S. Smith called me today to tell me of a time change. I am sooo stressed. I posted this question elsewhere but if there is any one else who gat a letter who can tell me if there is anything I need to know. Right now all I know is time and place. I'm interviewing for the montgomery component. Good luck to all of you.

I received my interview letter today for the Jackson,MS component. Does anyone know how many spots there are?

Here is some info for the interview for Birmingham & montgomery (which may change this year, I don't know)..I interviewed 3 years in a yourself. Try not to be too uptight. There were never any clinical questions. Mainly why do you want to be a CRNA, family issues, can you handle it. Do you have a good support system..especially if you have children. Be's hard to sell yourself but you have to do it...I hated that part. What makes you better than other applicants...that kind of stuff. I hope this helps. I also hope that it has not changed due to the change in directors this year. It's very hard to get in and extremely hard to stay in!! If you do not get in this year, keep on trying. Good luck. And to those who do get in..start studying anatomy!! That first test is a killer. edited to add: birmingham component interviews are individual one on one with the instructors.

Specializes in MICU/CICU/Currently CVR.


Friend of mine got into Jackson component last year. There are 10 people total in the Jackson component now. Don't know how many they will accept this year.


Specializes in Vascular/trauma/OB/peds anesthesia.

The Montgomery interviews this year will be in Montgomery at Baptist South. This is the first time that the Baptist and Jackson staffs have been involved in the interviewing process for the Montgomery component. The drawback to this, for those of you that stress over interviews, is that I expect it to be less congenial than the interviews that were conducted in Birmingham, in the past, were known for being.

I would expect to get asked some basic stuff: support system, experiences, finances, family, etc. However, I think there is a good chance that you will get some "grab bag" type clinical questions. ('Which Beta blocker should be used preferentially in pts with Asthma?" Things of this basic knowledge set.

FYI...not all the interviews are known for having no clinical questions. I think Mobile actually has a pretty grueling interview process. From what I have heard, it can be quite intimidating.

The bottom line is that they will pick the 6 of you that they think will pass classes in school and not embarrass UAB in the clinical setting. That, I believe, is the ultimate requirement.

Good luck to all those that have interviews at UAB next week. I'm feeling the stress.

Specializes in CVICU/Trauma ICU ...moving on to SRNA!.

I am interviewing at the Tuscaloosa component at the end of jan. Nervous, but Ecstatic! Everyone please share how the interviews go

I just moved to this area so I asked a million questions during my first visits. From what I gather each of the sites (except the Birmingham area) will accept 5-10 students, depending on their projected needs in the next couple years. Each hospital is hoping that the students will want to work at their hospitals when school is over, so they plan accordingly. They do accept more than needed so they and you have options. For example: last year Tuscaloosa had 8 SRNA's in clinical, but the hospital anticipated they could only hire 5 CRNA's in Dec.

Hope that helps some of ya'll.

Specializes in PACU, ICU, CCU, ER, OR,.

Well, all that's left is the waiting! Thanks for all the advice posted was pretty much dead on. The UAB-Montgomery interviews were this afternoon and they were very low stress....all that worrying! There were zero clinical questions. Just the "why CRNA"/"what have you done to prepare financially"/"family or support system"/"how do you deal with criticism" type stuff. The interview went by so fast...especially after the long wait for my turn. Of course I though of so many things on the way home that I wish I had said! Good luck everybody!

Thanks for the update on your interview. I'm sure you did great. Good luck. Does anyone know how long until we hear anything after the interview?

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