UAB anyone

Nursing Students SRNA


I was wondering if anyone out there has applied to UAB. Does anyone know when interviews are held? I heard that they will be later this year compared to last year.

Specializes in CVICU/Trauma ICU ...moving on to SRNA!.
Hey! I interviewed at Tuscaloosa on Saturday and waiting for my letter also. What did u think of it?



I have been working all week to try and keep myself from annoying the mail man... and to stop myself from overanalyzing everything that was said in the conversation. The interview was so short. I still don't know what to think! I was surprised that they did not ask any clinical questions, wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. I was the last interview of the day, which made me very nervous. I am hoping for the best! They said they would mail out letters mid week, so as of Wednesday I have wanted to throw up every time I walk out to get the mail...:chuckle. What did you think about the interview? Did you think it was the same type of questions as previous interviews?

Specializes in MICU/CICU/Currently CVR.

I interviewed for the Jackson component this morning!!!! :bugeyes:

I was so keyed up and worried over what types of clinical questions I was going to be asked....not a single one!!!!!

"What sparked your interest in becoming a CRNA?"

"How are you financially prepared for CRNA school?"

"How will you/your husband handle the 9 months in Birmingham?"

"What aspects of your ICU experience has prepared you for CRNA school?"

"What do you do to stay current on treatments/meds/therapies/etc..."

Not at all what I expected... Jackson changed it up this year and did panel interviews. Basically I sat at the end of a verrrrry looooong table and faced down 14-15 people (one MD, the rest CRNA's)

Of course, I was the LAST interview of the day!!!!:eek:

I'm glad it's over with...Now the nervous waiting and mailman stalking begins....

KC :w00t:

Specializes in Nursery, L&D, PICU, SICU.


There is a lot of waiting and mailman stalking during this process. The good news is I got my acceptance letter less than two weeks after my interview. Now I am just getting everything in place until August arrives. Good luck!

Specializes in srna.

hey abby,

don't worry yourself to death. we are all pulling for you here. let me know as soon as you know. tell alice i said hello. i'm sure niecie will be calling to find out tomorrow if you heard anything. yaw becarefull on your trip tomorrow

Specializes in srna.

just wanted to say congrates to abby. she has really worked hard to get where she is now. just goes to show, never give up. well have to go out and celebrate when you get back in town. :cheers:again, congrates and well done.:w00t:

Specializes in MICU/CICU/Currently CVR.

:uhoh3: okay people...word on the street is that UAB sent out letters yesterday (2/6/2007) for the Jackson, MS students....

just checked the mail....nothing yet....:uhoh3:

Going to UAB in the Mobile component. Anyone else out there going thats in the Mobile component?

Specializes in CVICU/Trauma ICU ...moving on to SRNA!.

So, I finally gave up with the post man ... it has been 2 weeks and nothing. :(

I couldn't handle the anxiety anymore so I called UAB today to let them know I was under the impression that they would let us know one way or the other, but I have nothing... apparently some letters were not mailed out and were sent out late last week.

...But the good news is they let me know over the phone, and I am going to UAB this fall!!!! I need to go scream al little more :yeah::w00t:

congrats. At least they let you know over the phone and you did not have to wait a couple more days. Remember to get that acceptance letter in before the 15th and you will be set. I will see you soon.

Specializes in MICU/CICU/Currently CVR.

Congrats KaeRN!

I still haven't heard anything yet...:o

KC :specs:

Specializes in MICU/CICU/Currently CVR.

I'm IN!!!!!!!!! :yeah: UAB class of 2010!!!!!! :D

See you all in August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whe!:


Specializes in CVICU/Trauma ICU ...moving on to SRNA!.

Congrats to all!

I finally got my acceptance letter this weekend. I feel so much more "official" now :)

I am so ready to start.

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