UAB AMNP Summer 2009 Class

U.S.A. Alabama


Has anyone out there applied for UAB's AMNP Program that starts in May 2009? If so, has anyone received any information on the status of their application?

that was fast! Sounds great- thanks!

I hope there is no specification. I bought one last year. I'm really getting antsy for more info!

did anyone ever hear an answer to the question about what happens if you only complete the first year? Basically the accelerated Rn portion? Has this happened to anyone currently in the program? I ask Mirs Ohman (I think that is her name) and she never really answered my question.

That is not really the purpose of the program to stop after the first part. You will leave with no degree, no associate's, no bachelor's, just an RN license. It would probably be difficult to find a job. By completing the program you at least get a Master's out of it.

I am wondering if there is anyone who might be able to answer some financial aid/loan questions for me for those who have been through that process. I am completely unfamiliar with it and want to make sure I will be able to pay for this summer session!

I did the FAFSA online last week not even sure if I wanted a loan. UAB has already received it and approved it. It only took a week. Part of it is subsidized and part is not. I still don't know if I'll accept it, but it is there if I need it. I was surprised how fast it was processed.

Did you get the email from Joy Deupree saying that we would get an email every day this week with info about the program?

I did my fafsa too and received loans.. but did not receive enough to cover the TOTAL cost. Do I need to get private loans to cover the difference? Also, I did get that email. However, I did not receive an email from her yesterday! lol

I think you can apply for the graduate plus loan if the others do not cover the total cost. I think you can apply for the grad plus through UAB. Not a 100 percent sure though.

still no luck with textbook lists or housing!! booo:(

I hope the textbook info is available soon. They should be sending out more emails soon. Good luck with the housing...I know that has to be frustrating!


Just wanted to check and see how you all were liking the program!!

yea, I'd like to know too....I may go ahead for next year.

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