UAB AMNP Summer 2009 Class

U.S.A. Alabama


Has anyone out there applied for UAB's AMNP Program that starts in May 2009? If so, has anyone received any information on the status of their application?

Hopefully they will be somewhat lenient with that PDA because I decided to just buy an ipod touch because the nursing program is compatible with it. I have been trying to get everything ready for my big move! 18 hour drive! They also haven't even finalized the orientation dates

Someone GAVE me a Tungsten E today! I hope it will work with the software. I would love to get started with buying books. Do you know where you will live yet?

Oh my gosh how lucky are you! That will definitely work with the software. I applied for on campus housing and should be getting it, but they said I won't know for a few weeks!! I also want to buy books. I think the Pathophysiology book is the one by Mccance 5th edition, but that is the only book I'm sure of. At least that is what it said on the Snoozy's website.

I am sooo ready to get started as well. Have any of you taken care of your uniforms yet?

No. That is a good idea though. I may go by LaJoy's Friday after I get off work. Wonder how much uniforms will cost?? I bought some solid white athletic shoes for clinicals when I was at Jeff St. I only wore them 6 times. I may try to get away with wearing them to UAB.

I hope they are reasonable! As far as the shoes, if I were you, I would give it a try!

One of my co-workers gave me a pair of white nursing shoes that she never wore because they were too small! So I lucked out with that. I also am going to try to find some white nursing scrubs but cannot get the top since I am too far away.

I called Le Joy and the tops are $16 and the UAB patch is $4. Not too bad.

not bad at all...thanks for the info!

Do you think there will be any specifications in terms of the type of stethoscope we need or anything? I want to get all of those little things out of the way but I don't want to buy the wrong thing!

I think they are going to send something out soon about uniforms, etc. I will check around to see if I can find out anything about the stethoscopes.

I checked with someone I know in the BSN program. They do not require a specific stethoscope. He said most in the class purchased either the Littman Clasic S.E.M or the Littman Cardiology III.

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