U of Calgary Degree Holder Winter 2015

World Canada CA Programs



This is for anyone who has applied to the Degree Holder Route at U of C. I just wanted to let people know that if they have transcripts that still haven't been ordered from an Alberta Institution (through ApplyAlberta), give the admissions office a call (403-210-7625) and have them request it to be sent.

I was checking myuc everyday waiting to see if my transcript from Athabasca had been ordered and it still hadn't. I called admissions and the man told me he had to put a request for it to be ordered from Athabasca.... good thing I called or else they might not have ordered it in time for the Sept 30 deadline!

Hi all,

I have been a silent stalker of this forum for some time now. As it stands - my status remains unchanged from "The Recruitment and Admissions Office has reviewed your application and we are awaiting a Faculty decision" accompanied with the green circle that haunts my dreams.

That being said - I applied mid July and my transcripts were all cleared at the beginning of September with some complications from University of Calgary's end.

I have a partial degree is sociology and my undergrad is in social work. I spent the last year doing prerequisites for the program.

My gpa from which I roughly calculated from the last 10 courses is around 3.6.

I am sincerely confused on all the different responses from people posting - from the person who was wait-listed to the poster who emailed last week and was told admission was being granted for those with

From previous forums I've looked at from last years hopefuls, it appears that we will be waiting for a while for final decisions.

I'll touch base if anything changes with my status and I wish everyone who applied the best of luck.

I'm in the same boat as allcats, but my transcripts arrived later (late in September) and my GPA is a teeny bit higher (between 3.75 and 3.90, depending on how it was calculated). But I have the same status and the same green circle haunting my dreams :)

I think everyone who has been wait listed so far applied through the transfer route? Also just a guess.

My status hasn't changed from when they initially received my transcripts back in mid August (your application can now be evaluated message)... I am assuming they are slow at updating accounts?

I would think we would hear in the next couple of weeks? (hopefully).

It seems really early to have already heard about the wait-list. allcats is right.. seems a little bit chaotic.

Happy Thanksgiving guys! Only 16/120 seats are filled so far, so there is plenty of hope! :nurse:

Hey guys,

I've been accepted to the Jan 2015 Transfer Route but I think (?) that students in the degree holder route take the same classes as transfer students for the first few semesters so I thought I would join this thread.

I'm from the west coast so a move to Calgary is a big step for me! Does anyone have any tips on where to rent/is coming from out of town as well??

What have you guys heard about the program? All the info I've found so far has been on the website/internet but it would be good to get some of your opinions, although they will probably be bias since we are all wanting to go to U of C haha!


Hello! I too have applied for U of C for this Winter 2015 but have yet to receive any information on an acceptance. Where do you find that 16/120 seats have been filled?

Just an example of biased opinion:

I think the two-year compressed program is fantastic!:up:


I applied as a transfer student, but thought I'd throw in my 2 cents as this seems to be a mixed group..

Today I went to speak to the nursing advisers about my application, hoping for a update. The adviser pulled up my file and told me I was admitted, even though I still have the green circle on my student center. She said The Admissions Office is responsible for changing your status on your student center, and they seem to be a little slow in updating.. but I should see the green check mark soon. She said they started the cut-off GPA being a 3.7, but have now lowered to a 3.6. She said they still anticipate it to lower. (This is in regards to transfer students to my knowledge..) :wideyed:

And in reply to a previous comment about priority given U of C students.. I previously asked them about this (hoping for a advantage.. myself being a U of C student) and they said it is strictly GPA and no priority is given. They simply take the top GPA's and offer them the spots regardless of where the classes were taken, were as other schools (MRU *cough cough) give priority to their current students. (this is at least what I was told.........)

Best of luck to all! Hopefully we all see the green mark soon!!! :up:

Thanks jkd12, that's very helpful information to most of us in this thread!!:up:

So stop worrying guys, and start packing!

Thank you so much jkd12. That's very encouraging, although a bit frustrating still! Hoping for some official news asap!

After checking this morning, I have noticed that although I still have the green circle, when I click on my status it now says " The Recruitment and Admissions Office has reviewed your application and we are awaiting a Faculty decision." I don't know when that changed, but last week sometime it was still telling me that my application was ready to be reviewed.

My heart really aches for all of you!! I have no idea why the decision was made so quickly for me. I just looked and its 23/120 enrolled now, so still LOTS of room. Gosh darnit U of C, get your act together!!!!

In not so pleasant news the fees popped up.. $3200 per semester in case anyone wants to know.

Again, hoping lots of you will find out soon. It has been a whirlwind of quitting my job, explaining my decision to all my friends and family... being nervous/excited for my new life!

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