types of co-workers/patients to be aware of. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE?


Some of the patterns I can think of in types of people that irk me at work:


Houdini – “code brown?” Hides in nearest cubby, preferably with a locking door.

The absent MD – “yeah, whatever you think. Can you put that in as a telephone order?” gets paid five times your salary while you do their job.

The cell phone addict – half day working, half day texting (also tends to be a Houdini)

The old-school MD – wants to order Tylenol in grains. grumbling about how it used to be, pecking away at the keyboard with index fingers, eyes shooting from monitor to keyboard. they will get it done… eventually

The phone snarler –$150k in student loans for a job they hate. Capitalizes on elitism. You, random person on the phone, are their prey.

The benefit milker – need I say more?

The over-glorified RNdelusional everyone here is stupid… except me.” Spends less time actually working and more time trying to find a problem with other peoples work. finds the most condescending way to point out an error.

The work dumper – Feels entitled with their seniority. Takes advantage of the passive orientees while they flip through catalogues and watch TV, hoping this new slave doesn't develop a spine.

The futile administrator – “here’s my solution," E for effort

The over-stepping CNA – wants all of the glory, possesses none of the qualifications. Tries to delegate to RNs, has been “working on my nursing degree” for a decade.

The drama queen/king – oblivious to the fact that you’ve got work to do. Tends to catch you while you have no escape route. Can’t understand why you wouldn’t want to stick around and hear about their juicy little nugget


The med seeker – always nauseated, always in pain 10/10, loves their IV drug cocktail.

The bum – saying the s-word in the ED earns them 2 weeks of hot meals and warm bed. $1000/night on the backs of tax-payers.

The puppetmaster – Hitting the call button like its Jeopardy! And they’ve got the answer every 5 minutes.

add more if you can think of them. I'm sure there are some I left out.

Specializes in Hospice, ONC, Tele, Med Surg, Endo/Output.
I'm not trying to label EVERYONE, the idea is to give people awareness of the piranhas at work so that we can all keep our dignity and have a better day.

Ignore that one who said "in which category do you see yourself? I thought your list was rather clever. Jealousy!!!

Deer-in-the-headlights charge nurse-There are a couple of charge nurses who seem like they are way too overwhelmed by the job. In turn, they leave the unit secretary swamped with orders up the wazoo, and if the night shift is short staffed, they have trouble mustering up staff from the PRNs and float pool people. If I have questions about orders, well I can't get any help from them. I like them as nurses, but some nurses are better suited for charge than others.

Nurse who actually has a brain and uses it-Knows her s***. No really, she does. Also questions stuff that doesn't seem right. For example, this nurse was to receive an admit from the ED with a very elevated troponin, pretty severe cardiomegaly seen on the chest X-ray, and early signs of cardiogenic shock. Silent MI, now progressing towards heart failure. This patient was definitely not appropriate for the floor, and she called to ED to ask why the heck this patient was being considered for the floor. In the end, this patient went to the ICU, thanks in part to a nurse who asked the right questions. I want to be like her when I grow up.

Nurse/CNA/unit secretary who saves our butts by coming in on days off-The floor would fall apart without them. But the flip side to that is the manager does not feel the need to hire more people, because the manager has all these work horses who will pull the load.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele/SNF-LTC/Supervisory.

The over-glorified RN - delusional "everyone here is stupid... except me." Spends less time actually working and more time trying to find a problem with other peoples work. finds the most condescending way to point out an error.

LOL.. I actually overheard one of these nurses say "So, I guess I have to work from HOME now to make sure things get done around here!"...... I nearly pee'd my pants with that one!

Do they realize how stupid they sound/look????

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