TWU Spring 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Is anyone out there applying to TWU for the Spring of 2010? Just thought that I would start a group for all of us hopefuls so we could share information and have a way to communicate with each other.

Have you taken your HESI A2 yet? Have you taken all of your pre-reqs? If not, what do you have left to take?

I have taken all of my pre-reqs, and I just took my HESI yesterday. I didn't think it was bad at all, but I prepared for it for about 3 weeks.

If you haven't noticed, TWU has made some slight changes that I think some people will not be happy with. They are taking into consideration the first grade made at pre-req attempts for several of the classes like A&P, micro, and another class. What do you think of this? I wonder how it will change the applicants chances of getting in?

Good luck and I look forward to meeting you! TWU didn't even send you a rejection letter? They just left you hanging? That is really messed up. I am so sorry! Are you interested in the regular two year program? Did you apply to the regular program as well?

For those in's about time she posted a good review. It's much longer than before.

Yes, they left me hanging. When I called today, the person seemed surprised that I didn't realize I was not accepted. :eek:

can you see your Hesi scores under your pioneer portal section?

no one is replying to my message?????????????????

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

noni79, The Hesi score does not show on the Pioneer Portal. It can be seen from the Hesi site where you registered to sign up to take or you should have received paperwork in the mail. TWU does have a master list with the names and scores at the reception desk.

supersweet thanks for replying. do you think that they will let us know about admission via email?

Hey goopsy! I was wondering if you would mind forwarding me the review for your patho exam?? We have a test next week and could use the extra study material. Thanks!

ok, lhojo-I sent it to you. Hope it helps you.

noni79...sorry, I didn't see your post. I log on and off and check it every now and then when I get an email saying that someone posted to the thread. The HESI does not post on the poineer portal.

About the acceptance emails...I noticed they did it for the fast track people in the summer, the fall 2009, and the weekenders a week ago. So I'm guessing we get one too. But I'll ask my friend about the fall just to make sure they did get one.

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

noni79, We all seem to be at a loss on that one!? Weekend program did receive emails Spring 09, but then there was the case of AnnyLPC :( My friend who entered this fall 09 received a letter in the mail and a packet.

Well, AnnyLPC didn't get one because TWU only sends acceptance emails, not rejection emails.

OK, so I asked my friend who was accepted for the Fall 2009. She said that she does not recall getting an acceptance email.

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

So anyone heard any news?

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