Turning down a job offer

Nurses General Nursing


I was offered a job and have completed drug testing. I'm still waiting for the background check to be completed and cleared so I can start in a month or so, but I have been offered another position in my hometown. I am torn! how do I turn down the offer I previously accepted if that's what I decide to do? I don't want to burn bridges.

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

Well, it is simple.....

in this job market, you can not turn down, actual job offer, and begin working....

the the reply to first offer, if you take the second offer, and actually begin working, "I'm sorry I am working elsewhere"

there is No Nursing Shortage!

best wishes....

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

If you do rescind your acceptance of the first job, do it sooner rather than later - bad news doesn't get better with time.

I was offered a job and have completed drug testing. I'm still waiting for the background check to be completed and cleared so I can start in a month or so, but I have been offered another position in my hometown. I am torn! how do I turn down the offer I previously accepted if that's what I decide to do? I don't want to burn bridges.

I would say that I'd had an unexpected change of circumstances and will "not be moving to the area after all" or something like that. I'd also apologize profusely and indicate that I'd "love to work there in the future if my circumstances changed again".

You might burn bridges anyway, but you'll do it nicely. And if you weren't set to start working for another month, I don't see how they'd be too horribly inconvenienced.

Thank you for all the replies. I don't know how well I'll end up like either position because it doesn't always seem to be what we expect, but I know it's a risk I'll have to take when I make a decision. í ½í¸”

Im not sure but I heard if you took the pre

Employment drug testing and you eventually turned down the job, you have to pay for it.

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