Published Dec 6, 2024
31 Posts
This woman just continues to impress. She is so articulate and lands in the moderate realm of politics. The democratic party really dropped the ball and should have pushed her over Hillary and Kamala. I know Vance is probably a shoe in for 2028 and 2032 however would love to see her as VP at least.
subee, MSN, CRNA
1 Article; 5,977 Posts
Surely you jest. In her opening question she called Snowden a brave whistle-blower and then tried to take it back with she wouldn't want that to happen again her time on the agency 's watch. Russian TV calls her "our Tulsi". And that dye job reminds me of Yvonne DeCarlo in The Munsters which resembled Elsa Lancaster in The Bride of Frankemstein. She's not a total idiot but we could have done better than this. I don't think she will last 4 years because she wasn't able to articulate a clear pathway for her future.
15,335 Posts
Gabbard is a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda. At best.