Trip to France


Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

My son and I returned from France on Sonday. This was our first major trip since Covid and his graduation gift which was to be atrip to Europe. We were in Nice on the Mediteranian Sea. It was pretty cold and I would deffinately want to go back in the Summer but with a couple of exceptions it was a great trip. We must have walked several miles a day. On our third night we went out to find a place to eat. The side walks were slippery due to rain and wouldn't you know I slipped and fell. I faceplanted right into the sidewalk, bruised my left wrist right knee and right cheek.

Over all it was still a good trip.


Specializes in Dialysis.

Glad you had a good time, and that you're home safe and sound. Try Italy sometime if you get the chance. It's beautiful as well

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
42 minutes ago, Hoosier_RN said:

Glad you had a good time, and that you're home safe and sound. Try Italy sometime if you get the chance. It's beautiful as well

My son is my travel companion as my husband has no interest. Nixt trip will on this side of the pond. Maybe Argentina!


Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

So I was only back 3 days when I came down with what I thought was the flu (Turned out to be Covid). Now fully on the mend I went and got a thai massage yesterday with CBD oil. The focus was lymphatic draining and hot stone therapy. I have been doing massage twice a month for about 7 month and it the best investment I have made to my self care. 


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Glad you had (mostly) a good trip and sorry you caught covid.

I recently traveled to Costa Rica and had a great time.  The airports were crowded and no social distancing.  I'm surprised I didn't catch anything.  But a week after being home I caught the flu but it wasn't too bad.  Go figure.


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