Triage Facts


i think we should start a thread just on triage! from what i hear, triage is a big thing on nclex!


#1 priority:: clients with trauma, chest pain, severe respiratory distress or cardiac arrest, acute neuro. deficts, or limb amputation, and those who sustained a chemical splash to the eyes are classified as emergent and are the number 1 priority.

#2 priority: clients with conditions such as asthma without respiratory distress, simple fracture, fever, htn, abdominal pain, or the clients with a renal stone, have a urgent need & are classified as the number 2 priority.

#3 priority: clients with conditions such as minor laceration, sprain, or cold symptoms are classified as nonurgent and are the # 3 priority.

fact: a client with chest pain who states he just ate mexican food that was made with a very spicey sauce is the number 1 priority.

( a client experiencing chest pain is always classified as # 1 priority)

hint: use the abcs

airway, breathing, circulation. :D

The above mentioned patient that had very spicy food more than likely has heart burn from that.

Breathing is always going to be the #1 priority.

And triage changes significantly if out of the hospital setting, actually in reverse to what is done in the hospital.

We are not seeing as many questions on triage on the exam now as there used to be. Would not put so much time into it. I no longer even include it with my program.

It is all based on common sense.

p.s. It would also be much easier to read if just fonts like this are used and in all black.

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