Travelers: picky scheduling

Nurses General Nursing


Greetings, All

I'm currently working with a traveler who stipulated in contract that she will not work Fridays. This makes our Fridays awful as she is a specialized nurse and there is no replacement for her from within the facility. She's talking about renewing her contract but making arrangements for even more time off. I know that our travelers will often schedule a vacation during the contract period, but haven't had one before who refused to work a certain day of the week, every week.

Is this common practice? The Director who signed her contract was interim and had no real clue as to the needs of our unit. I'm pretty sure that the new Director will not renew her under the circumstances. Kind of sad: she's competent and likeable. This was her first traveling assignment. Is she being too picky or are we expecting too much?

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

She could also be Jewish.

Shabbat starts at 30 minutes prior to Sundown Friday.

I don't see what the big deal is here. Sheesh....part of the appeal of doing travel work or agency, per diem, casual pool whatever...part of that is because no one tells you what to do. I'll be switching to that next year myself and if I find anyone telling me "oh no you can't have every friday off because nobody on the FTE staff does", then they can just kiss my sweet (_|_) !!! lol

I agree with fault here...except with management as per usual!

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

I'd also like to add that I LOVE travel nurses. They're like a shot in the arm of energy, fresh insight and knowledge. I've always learned some really great bit of valuable info or an improved technique from every traveler because they "get around" and see all sorts of stuff.

Redhead...No offense, but it really isn't any of your business about her scheduled days off. Maybe she has extenuating circumstances that require her to have those days off. Why should she be obligated to share them with you or anyone else? I understand it may be frustrating for you or that you may feel that it is unfair, but you shouldn't judge because things are not always what they seem. If she is competent like you say, appreciate her during the time she IS there. It's not her fault that she is the only specialized nurse there.

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