Travel Nursing?!


Specializes in Cardiac Vascular Thoracic.

Hi all!

I am just looking for some input, I feel like I'm ready to start travel nursing but before I make the jump I'd like to hear from others what their thoughts are. When I graduated nursing school I started at a trauma 1 teaching hospital in a surgical cardiac vascular thoracic trauma ICU. We moved to a new unit and became a cardiovascular thoracic ICU with a connected sister step down unit. I have been there in the ICU for almost 16months. I was started as a preceptor and as a charge nurse prior to my one year. I'm confident making decisions for my patients, and I always try to take our sickest patients on the unit. I'm comfortable with pressors, intubations, codes, and basic nursing skills among other things such as devices (iabp's, CRRT, & LVAD's.

I guess I just need reassurance that I can handle travel nursing, or pointers to get me ready.

Thanks everyone!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Travel Nursing forum

Realize that you will receive (on average) 4 hours EMR training and 2 days orientation to the unit.

If you feel you can be independent after that, go for it.

You sound good to go to me!

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