Published Apr 21, 2019
Bonstemps, EMT-P
174 Posts
Hey ya'll; don't know if I'm in the right place but I'm hoping maybe some of ya'll have thoughts on the matter. Is it possible to transfer out of a 15-Month ABSN into another ABSN program? I don't hate the program, rather the city, NYC. It is crushing every bit of my soul and not a day goes by where I don't feel depressed or maddened but the misery of this place.
Has anyone heard of someone transferring between ABSNs?
Thank you ❤️
verene, MSN
1,790 Posts
Likely not possible. Transferring between different nursing programs is usually difficult. Given the fast pace of ABSN program and the sheer amount of material covered, and the need to be creative in fitting it all in, it would be exceedingly hard to find a program that runs equivalent material in the same terms. Even if you did find one, chances are exceedingly high they have a full cohort with no room for a transfer student.
How much time do you have left in the program? Most run only 5 quarters or 3 semesters for a 15 months program. Can you make any adaptions to your current circumstances that would allow you to tough out however much time you have left, and then move after graduation?
Thank you for your thoughts and time.
Only one semester in / completed. I'm doing well academically and don't find it overtly difficult, but I feel as though I can't handle the city. It's sad and pathetic, but there it is. I have one year left and I am 26k in. I can't imagine starting over but I can't imagine being here.
What are the biggest factors about being in NYC that are making life difficult right now? Being away from home? Noise? Pace of life? Something else?
I am not a city-person but have spent far too many years living in them (though none as large as NYC), so I'd be happy to help brain storm ideas on how to make current life more bearable, while you figure out what your options are in terms of staying/leaving.
I think for me it's the non-stop nature of it all; the never ending noise, the never ending rush and hustle. I see at least two horrible, mean interactions daily. I'm not used to the level of aggression, of heedless cruelness or thoughtless expressions of rage ("*** you, ***" should be the city's motto). I have lived in many, many cities - large and small - and this place feels like a massive, angry, consumerist hell. I'd do almost anything to get out.
I try to get to the parks and get out, but the program leaves little room to make dedicated efforts. I am not in the bar scene, nor a night person. I thrive in nature and silence; I spend my spare time reading and exercising. I haven't the money to do too much.
Really, the problem is, I made the wrong choice. I really appreciate you responding, though.
718 Posts
I think $26K, plus the value of your time, is too much to throw away, if there's any way around it.
Google free things to do in NYC. I bet you'll find many interesting opportunities that allow you to connect with "better" things without breaking the bank. Even if it's just a free tour at a museum or something, that will likely get you out and meeting other people who aren't into the bar scene (I was never a bar scene person, either).
You don't mention it in your post, but I'm wondering if part of the discontent is from feeling disconnected from meaningful relationships. It's easy to feel like the city is a large, loud, menacing presence when you don't have bonds within the community. Maybe see what groups you might find near you who participate in things you enjoy. You say you like exercise - what about joining a bike club or running club? There are free ones in different parts of NYC.
I'm glad you're getting out to the parks (NY has some great ones) and exercising. I think as the weather gets consistently better, you'll be able to spend more time outdoors. Since it seems like a big part of your problem is being overwhelmed by the city, are you taking measures to help reduce the sensory input? Could you, for example, put a playlist of calming or happy songs on your phone and keep your headphones on during your commute? Have you tried short meditation or breathing breaks? It doesn't have to be a large chunk of dedicated time; literally 3 minutes of mindfulness can sometimes be enough to reset me.
142 Posts
As Long as you are in good academic standing and can get a letter from your administration stating so there are several schools that will take you but it may require additional time than what you have left because although all of these programs are accredited they’re allowed to get away with varied versions of classes; you may end up taking other classes in addition that you would’ve never wise needed to take in New York City....private message me and we can talk
hellonurse82, EMT-B
12 Posts
I’m interested but I can’t message you for some reason on this site.
Tacocat, ASN, RN
327 Posts
Genuinely curious -- where are you from originally if you're experiencing culture shock in NYC?
@hellonurse82, I just private messaged you.
32 Posts
Bonstemps- question, I read somewhere on a thread that you were having difficulty finding a chem course . I'm in the same situation. Did you end up taking chem at nyu or where ? Please let me know . Thanks
4 Posts
@heythatsmybike hey can you message me? I’m in the same situation and I saw you on a couple threads and I wanted to ask your advice on a few things? It won’t let me message you.