Published Mar 11, 2008
16 Posts
I'm a new nurse. I work as a nurse tech and requested a transfer position to RN. I'm just wondering why I don't get a bonus/contract now that I will be working as a nurse. HR said it's because I'm not a new employee, but i'm thinking i'll be working in a different position.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
No workplace in existence is obligated to issue bonuses or procure contracts to any employees. It is a wonderful perk if bonuses are offered, but no place of employment shall feel compelled to conjure them up on a whim, especially when they can readily attract and retain workers without them.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
If your a good employee with a good record, I would ask HR about some sort of bonus. Maybe they can pay a chunk of your student loans each quarter for a time commitment from you. Let them know X amount of students you graduated with are going to ABC hospital and are getting XYZ amount of sign on bonus/tuition reimbursement/ or hourly wage.
Dont threaten to quit by any means, just tell them you love this hospital am thrilled to be working for them, but it is frustrating knowing there are so many other new grads right now getting so many perks.
If they want to keep you, they may come up with a win/win to keep you both happy.
If you really want the sign on bonuses/tuition reimbursement that other hospitals are offering, you may have to just stay at your current job PRN and take another job at one of those hospitals.
Good Luck!! and Congrats and getting your RN.
Miss Mab
414 Posts
It sorta sounds like the facility may be offering "new hire" RN's a sign on bonus/other perk and not offering the same to the OP because she is already a facility employee.
If that's the case i would be kinda irritated. She is moving into what is obvious to them a position that they are in such need of as to offer bonuses. Sounds like they're more into recruitment than retention. What a shock.
Of course no hospital or employer is ever under an obligation to offer such a thing. I guess in this case I'd actually be grateful to confirm how little they appear to value their current staff who now has a new skill to offer.
Like everything else I guess----do your pros/cons. Congrats on the new job!
If your a good employee with a good record, I would ask HR about some sort of bonus. Maybe they can pay a chunk of your student loans each quarter for a time commitment from you. Let them know X amount of students you graduated with are going to ABC hospital and are getting XYZ amount of sign on bonus/tuition reimbursement/ or hourly wage.Dont threaten to quit by any means, just tell them you love this hospital am thrilled to be working for them, but it is frustrating knowing there are so many other new grads right now getting so many perks. If they want to keep you, they may come up with a win/win to keep you both happy.If you really want the sign on bonuses/tuition reimbursement that other hospitals are offering, you may have to just stay at your current job PRN and take another job at one of those hospitals.Good Luck!! and Congrats and getting your RN.
I am hired, I am not quitting. I was just wondering why they didn't mention about contract/bonus. I just don't wan't not knowing or taken disadvantage of if ever. I don't have a student loan to pay, thank goodness.
104 Posts
It doesn't hurt to ask. I was thrilled to death to go to my new job because the pay was much better. They called me up and asked "Would you like a $3000 bonus?" I almost fell over.
I would have taken the job without a bonus, but it was nice to get it along with all the other stuff.
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
I would have a chat with Human Resources and your new unit manager about retention incentives in your facility. If there are none then I would certainly suggest there should be and make a suggestion on what would be appropriate for someone who has 2 years there. Offer to help form a committe for retention. If they are deaf to your questions or suggestions, maybe work on em for the next year or so. If nothing else you will form some contact with middle and upper management during this time and it will be helpful with furture references.