Published Oct 30, 2007
141 Posts
I need to go through TPAPN to get my license reinstated as I am Bipolar and I let it go deliquent for 11 years. Now I am so much better. I am under a doctors care and take my meds but TPAPN must be involved. But that is another post.
I may be moving to another state, Alaska possibly. Do I attempt to get my license from Alaska or do I have to get it renewed in Texas first then go to Alaska. Just want to know the order of events.
Sure would be nice if I could bypass that whole TPAPN mess as I never did drugs or alcohol, just Bipolar. I would be stuck here for years.
Thanks so much for any replies or help. I just found this forum and it is wonderful to have a resource like this.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Here is the link for the Alaska BON:
Looks like your first step is to return your Texas license to good standing. You can contact Alaska, but it doesn't sound like they'll issue you a license at this point.
Thanks Eric. I'm just starting this journey and the first step is only way to get to where I want to go. Just like so many others, I may fall or stumble, but I get up and push forward and not too much will stop me. I have never been one to quit. I have always tried to be a good example to my children and now my grandchildren. I want them to see that life may deal you a bad hand but with hard work and determination almost any obstacle can be overcome.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Excellent attitude, FeralNature. One whereby all could benefit.
I wish you much luck on your journey to be licensed again.
Thankyou Iris. I am strong and fit and have life experience as well as a few years of nursing experience. Hardcore nursing experience. Small town ERs are hardcore by nature. No doctors in the hospital at night. RNs (me) making all the decisions til the doctor is called at home and gets there. And there are weird things that happen to people in the rural areas of Texas that land them in the ER. Think shoot'em ups, rodeos, rattlesnakes and chainsaws. I sure miss those good old days!
13 Posts
You say that you let your license go delinquent for 11 years? Were they suspended, revoked, etc. at that time? or did you just fail to renew them?
If your license were in good standing in Texas when you let them go delinquent, then you may be better off going on to Alaska, and bypassing TPAPN.
I don't know if you are familiar with TPAPN, but here's a link to the Handbook, just in case:
Good Luck