TPAPN jobs


I have a question for those nurses in Texas working with TPAPN. I am a CNM and am on TPAPN for self report due to alcohol addiction. I never drank and had contact with any patients. I went through inpatient and am about six months sober feeling great. I was offered a teaching position at a college. The pay was half what I was making but the hours would be good, I would have no patient contact. I would be a clinical instructor on campus and just checking in on students at their clinical sites. Our students all had nursing preceptors in their given clinical location. I spoke with my case manager, Signed a consent for her to speak to my Dean that hired me. All of this was early November. Finally a week before Christmas she gets back with me. I go to meet as scheduled with my advocate and the Dean of Nursing. I find out when I get there my case manager had spoken with the Dean the day before and convinced her not to hire me. She said that I cannot have more than one work location. She told the school I would cause a liability to them going in and out of the different hospitals and clinics. I have been completely compliant with my TPAPN meetings, forms, and testing. I have now had 7 tests negative and three per week while inpatient that were all negative. I was devastated. I had already moved into my office on campus. I tried to point out that there was a possibilty of modifications. I was more than willing to check in on campus each morning and evening if needed face to face. I lost the job. I don't understand why she let me accept it if I couldn't do it through TPAPN. It seems that this would be a good safe job for someone in recovery. I had no access to drugs ( never took a pill in my life except once or twice after my C-section in the hospital only).I would give up salary but meet a need as an educational faculty. I had wonderful supportive nurses who were aware about my TPAPN during the interview and were eager to help me. Are there no educators on TPAPN in Texas. The other part is I was offered another position in the clinic at the same week and had an interview with Planned Parenthood. I turned it down for the teaching job even though it was 20000 more per year. I thought I made a good choice just to have it torn away from me. Has anyone known a nurse to work as a faculty member. Do case managers ever make modifications? Tpapn does not encourage people to work. As an APN I cannot prescribe prenatal vitamins or anything. I did not have a license to prescribe any addictive medications anyway, why the restriction. It doesn't make sense. It makes it hard to be employed and being unemployed adds a huge financial and emotions stress to a recovering nurse. Any feedback would be helpful.


I agree TPAPN is not friendly but any job you move from place to place school ,school nurse,Case managers ,home health all are no no and while case managers say they review case on individual case I've never heard of a exception except working nights and that's rare

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

wow, that is so unfortunate, the teaching position would have been ideal......while working off stipulations

i am so sorry, but also so happy that i worked through those hurdles completed four years ago.... it does get better, and your career can be restored, as long as you do what you are suppose to do, ie: sobriety principles, my best wishes

for sucessful employment soon :angrybird12:

Ive heard of many nurses teaching MA and CNA classes but no more than that.... Have ou tried just a plain old nursing job?I know it is hard because you are overqualified but hey... you gotta do what you gotta do.... Message me if you like. I'd be happy to answer your questions if you have any.

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