TPAPN...awaiting contract...nervously

Nurses Recovery


Well...I was fired and referred to TPAPN for MJ use without disclosure. It was my second failure after a bad bad decision to use over a weeks period (foolishly thinking its not enough to stay in my system)

after referral, I completed my initial drug screen (neg) and the psych evaluation. 1 hour and about an 800 question test later my evaluator diagnosed me with cannabis use disorder, mild and recommended I not practice and participate in an IOP.

Im an emotional wreck. To hear from a complete stranger that you are not fit to practice....

i don’t know what to expect next ...

when this whole process started I found refuge in this site. The support and encouragement I received saw me through those very very dark first few days.

Any thoughts, advice, encouragement you might have will be genuinely appreciated.

My best advice is just comply. Nothing to do now but ride out this storm. This new format is beyond bizarre.

That blows. I don't know you personally but I would bet that you probably could have a few tokes here and there (off the job of course) and still perform your duties as a RN. Of course, life doesn't work like that and it's reefer madness when it comes to nursing and MJ. I mean I'd rather take a stoned nurse than a drunk nurse, but you catch my drift... If your RN license means anything to you, then you'll go through the hell that most of us here on going through.

Side question though, you said "MJ use without disclosure", meaning that if you had disclosed that you were smoking medical marijuana they would have let you slide? And what led to you being drug tested in the first place?

I would seek out another evaluator in Texas and go from there I have seen several say no and one say yes and that’s all you need... tpapn should be able to work with this

That’s not legal in Texas however legal in some states but you probably could not be working and doing that. Texas would have to legalize medical marijuana and it still may not be legal to be employed and partaking

They can only go by the laws in the state

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