Published Dec 4, 2009
CrunchyMama, ASN, RN
1,068 Posts
I'm just finishing up my 1st semester and my last clinical day was yesterday...yay! :yeah:Although I'm excited that it's over, I feel like I don't know anything. The first 6 weeks of the semester was in the lab at school, so we only spent 6 weeks (that's 6 days) in clinical. I have learned a lot....we passed meds, dressing changes, hung IV antibiotics, med injections, etc. But I still feel like I know nothing and don't think I can handle being a nurse. I see these nurses working on the floor and I'm thinking how am I ever going to know all what they do? I'm very intimidated by doctors, how am I going to talk to them without stuttering? Ahhhhh.....anyone feel like this?
267 Posts
I just finished first semester. We had 6 weeks clinical (12 days) on a med-surg floor and 2 days clinical at a nursing home. I feel like I did a decent job, and learned a lot but still have SO much more to learn and improve/build upon. I wish I didn't have to wait until next January to pick up where I left off.
96 Posts
I feel the same way. I question how I'm ever going to learn all this, how I'm going to be a patient advocate and if I'm really competent to care for someone's very life. On top of that, most of the nurses are in charge of seven patients as opposed to my one!! I can't figure out how they juggle all of that!
Nepenthe Sea
585 Posts
I'm only finishing my second semester of a 5-semester program, but I can tell you that I learn so much more every semester. Yeah, I get nervous, too, when I go to clinicals and try to imagine doing what the nurses are doing - especially with their patient load. But I know that I will get there eventually. We will learn a little bit more every semester. Also, I keep hearing that you learn so much more once you graduate and are out in the real world of nursing. So just take advantage of every learning oppurtunity that comes your way, and try not to worry so much :)
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
The vast majority of your learning and molding into a nurse will take place on the job, not in school. There are aspects of nursing that no school can ever teach you. The primary function of many nursing programs is to develop enough competency, theory, and critical thinking skills within the students so that they will pass NCLEX on the first attempt. The rest will assuredly come later.
188 Posts
I feel this way, too. Just finishing first semester of an ADN program. We didn't even TOUCH IVs so you're ahead of me there! I don't expect to know everything since I just finished ONE semester, but I know what you mean...I see what the nurses at my clinical site did and wonder if little old me can ever do all that.
Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling this way. It's just overwhelming...I've already learned so much but feel I know nothing. I'm of course not as nervous as I was the 1st day of clinical but being a nurse on my own scares the crap out of me...and I'm dreading it, lol. To KAR38....there are other students in my program that haven't done IVs either. It depends on the prof. My particular instructor wants us to learn as much as possible, so she has us do things that others may not.
1,465 Posts
I've been a LPN for 5 years and will (hopefully) have my associates in nursing in a few weeks.
I know it is overwelming, but you will get it. Just try and learn all you can now and try everything you can in clinical. Once you get to your job, you can focus on that aspect of nursing. Be open and learn from each preceptor you can. It took me a good year to start to feel comfortable in my job. Everyday I learn something new. Never stop learning even when you start working and you will be a assume nurse.
Honestly everyone feels like you do. Your really learn how to be a nurse when you get your first job.
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
But I still feel like I know nothing and don't think I can handle being a nurse. I see these nurses working on the floor and I'm thinking how am I ever going to know all what they do? I'm very intimidated by doctors, how am I going to talk to them without stuttering? Ahhhhh.....anyone feel like this?
It comes with time and practice. Remember, you are brand-new at this...and all of the nurses you see working on the floor were once in the same shoes as you :)
160 Posts
I am graduating in 6 days, and I still think I'm not ready! I feel like I could benefit from another semester in school. Granted, my program is extremely hands on and we spend over 200 hours in clinical per semester, and I still don't feel ready to be a "real" nurse. So I definitely know how you are feeling.
You will see a change over the semesters in yourself and your knowledge base. Looking back you will be amazed at how far you have come. Give it time and you'll start feeling a lot more confident at the end of each semester. I remember seeing the level 3 students and thinking, 'wow..they are so confident and smart!!' It will happen, and like a previous poster said, a lot of the learning will come on the job. At least that's what I'm hoping for!
SkiingCait, BSN, RN
48 Posts
I am just finishing up my second to last semester (yahoo!!) and felt exactly the way you do after my first semester. Think back to what you knew and what your comfort level working as a student nurse was on Day 1 vs today. Have you improved at all? Feel like you've learned something? What I have found with nursing school is that over the first year, I was learning bits and pieces - med administration, assessment skills, etc...and in my second year, I have been learning how to prioritize and string them all together. I think that you'll find that as you go along, you will add to your "knowledge bank", and before you know it, it will be second nature. Good luck to you!
Thanks all for your input! It makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone in feeling like this. I always feel so ignorant, lol. But with time I'm sure that feeling will go away, I just hope it doesn't take me working for 20 years, lol. Thanks everyone! :icon_hug: