Top 10 Reasons Against Unions


Top ten reasons why we don't want a union

10. the union doesn't write my paycheck.

9. unions would rather cause problems than work together.

8. union scale means the best workers are carrying the worst.

7. the people who want a union really need one.

6. too corrupt.

5. too political, too liberal and too partisan.

4. unions are only about power and money for the ones who run the union.

3. unions are negative about everything but how great they are.

2. I like to work steady.

1. I've got too much self respect.

Specializes in ED; Med Surg.

Having worked for many years as a non-union employee, I was forced to work on two separate occasions when there was a lockout of my nurses.

I find it interesting that every one of the "replacement workers" (which is what management called them, I call them something else) had a southern accent. No bashing the south, I grew up there. Every one of them came from a right to work state. Every one of them came to make the money from a union issue.


I am union proud.

Specializes in Emergency.
Mr Rodman is one of those sad folks who believe that nurses practice some form of medicine under the guidance of physicians. sigh

According to hx here, ms rodman should now be a senior in her nursing program. So, theory but no actual experience.

Specializes in Emergency.

And another thing. I'm a 2nd career rn coming from telecom management where I had a contract that spelled out my compensation, benefits, vacation/sick/personal days, separation, etc.

So why shouldn't I have that as a nurse? You better believe that all the executives have contracts.

I was just thinking about my pay and the whole nursing field and benefit to society thing. I am an ER nurse. I provide a benefit to society daily saving lives (had a STEMI last night). In the National Guard I provide a benefit, but do not save lives daily and the skill set and stress is low. As one of my instructors said during AIT, "This job is so easy a monkey could do it." It seems my hospital cannot retain employees per very poor working conditions (no lunch, high stress, no transporters, medics etc. on nights), low wages, poor benefits. I actually make 6000 dollars a year more NET when on active duty orders for the National Guard than I do as an ER nurse and my benefits are AMAZING from the military! My job in the National Guard is very low stress and pretty easy. I also am in a support role and feel pretty safe. We haven't been deployed to a combat zone since Korea. I have 3/4 weekends off every month while working for the Guard. My ER job is probably 1,000 times more demanding and a million times more difficult than what I do for the military. I also will receive a pension from the military while the 401K we are given by my hospital is a joke. I do not understand why society is willing to pour so much money and resources into the military, police, teaching, etc. and pay front line healthcare workers relatively little. I was told nursing is such a great field, but do not see that actualized. So far, nursing it is severely underpaid given the education required and amount of stress and skill needed to be successful (given, I make in the lowest 1 percent of all ER nurses even after getting a 2600 dollar raise). I initially took my private employer's insurance, but of course realized it covers much less than my govt insurance via the National Guard and is more expensive. I question if I will stay in nursing. I enjoy the challenge in this field, but am not sure that it can provide the financial rewards and benefits I seek. I am changing venues to a university hospital that will pay more and offer more in terms of training and specialty cases. I hope this will be enough to make me stay in the field. Nursing and nurses deserve MORE! Stop saying unionization is wrong. Corporations use the govt. to get what they want. It is time nurses have a voice and seat at the table and speak up to control our work places and compensation.

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
1. i've got too much self respect.

So do I, however it seems there are some very scary people in management who like to play games with nurses on the floor. Union representation was very useful in that situation

2. i like to work steady.

I do too. I can rest steady in the event of a complaint, or heaven forbid making a med error, while there are steps I have to go through, there is little or no chance I'll get let go with no notic. Although thats as much about having good employment law that requires all employers to go through a very set process in terms of performance reviews, work place issues, hiring and firing.

3. unions are negative about everything but how great they are.

Em nope. My union rep is fairly well balanced. Admits that shes not a miracle worker however shes very handy to have around in incidences of management insanity. My union does offer training opportunities, and scholarships and educational grants as well for nurses wanting to do further study. There are countless conference and networking opportunities as well.

4. unions are only about power and money for the ones who run the union.
Unions much like nursing is not about getting rich. Also it would lead to mutiny if our union reps were getting rich off our fees.

5. too political, too liberal and too partisan.
Wow, imagine that protecting the interests of the workers. You say this like its a bad things

An employer would never get away with dismissing the nurse who makes a med mistake without going through the proper processes.

6. too corrupt.
Have you actually ever had any dealings with a real union, not the hyper dramatic claptrap someones uncle's aunties best friend is propagating

7. the people who want a union really need one.
Never needed a union until very recently when a manager who decided I wasnt kissing her ass enough tried to get me fired. The union rep very nicely put her in her place, and my employment was secured. May never need the union again. However I know its available should it be needed.

8. union scale means the best workers are carrying the worst.
Em nope. It simply means that everyone has their rights protected and the knowledge that should they need advisement its avaiable.

9. unions would rather cause problems than work together.
We have one union thats national. They do a fairly good job negotiating our collective agreements. We have the protection of collective agreements and are able to negotiate much better working conditions than we ever would be able to do individually, thanks to the work of the unions.

10. the union doesn't write my paycheck. Nope however they protect my paycheck. They ensure that employment issues go through the legal process and that no one can be terminated without a damm good reason and having gone through the proper processes

[color=#808000]top ten reasons why we don't want a union

Perhaps a more accurate title would be top 10 reasons why PICUNP doesnt want a union

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