Took The NCLEX-Rn exam last Sept7'06

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took my Nclex exam last week.. i chose CA.. until now, there's not a bit of info whether i passed or not... my computer stopped #75... and it took me less than an hour to finish the exam... some questions were hard.. mostly prioritization and mxedema and grave's d's... some were similar questions i answered back at kaplan... i really don't know if il pass or fail? any of u guys here care to give out their opinions? Thanks... i really am anxious at this very moment...

Specializes in Critical Care Transport/Intensive Care/Management.
i took the nclex test last saturday my computer stops at 194 whew, im very afraid for the result.i know the number of questions is not the basis for passing or failure,i just want to clarify my knowledge does it mean that questions answered more than 75 & lesser than 265, you should have a last difficult question answered before the computer shut down to be sure that you have better chance of passing since nclex rn CAT is like a trend that if you got the minimum competency it will stop &in oposite you will fail.

another thing is that you should be sure that you last answer should be correct before the computer shut down to have good chance of passing? any opinion about my understanding&conclusion?

Those things you said don't actually matter. Like what has always been mentioned here, the number of items don't mean anything. It is an Adaptive Test so it adjusts to your level of competency. You may pass or fail at any given number between 75-265 ..... but MAJORITY of first time NCLEX takers do pass ....right suzanne?

Hang in there, hopefully you'd be able to share your result with us and we'd all be giving you our sincere congratulations!

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