Took test in CA last week, no results, PVT?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took the test last week in CA, I can't get quick results because I'm in CA. Just called the CA BRN, and they haven't received my transcripts yet. I can't get my results until they are in. Will this affect the PVT results? I've gotten the good pop up ever since I've taken the test. I just want to make sure the PVT still works.


I'm in Ca too, so unfortunately we can't get any info except for the PVT.

I took mine this past Friday and did the PVT but won't celebrate until I see my name on the BON ! Apparently it should take 2 working days , we will see ...

Good luck to you and keep your hopes high !

Thanks, it's going to take a lot longer for me because my school didn't send my transcripts in on time. Someone has me all freaked out that the PVT won't work in CA because we don't get quick results. I'm trying to find somewhere that says the PVT hasn't worked for them. So far, all I see is it working. I'm just really nervous. Good luck to you!!!

I haven't seen that at all ... I don't think is like that....people have sometimes the best intentions but opposite effect hahahah

I just checked on the BON but nothing so maybe Wednesday ? I just saw someone that took the test on a Friday and today results where up...THAT freaked me out because my name is not there ....ugh why can't California have the quick results ?

OK, lets keep hoping !

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