Took TEAS yesterday

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Made an overall grade of 81.2%. It was the general science that kicked my butt. There were all these questions about rocks! WHAT?!?! I've never learned anything about rocks.

So I wanna know - do you think my overall grade is 'good enough', or should I plan on taking it again next year?

ty I really appreciate it!!!

Hi Everyone!

I am new to this forum. I just came across it looking for some help with the TEAS Science. I took the TEAS exam last week. I passed Math, and the 2 English but failed Science.

I was expecting to get a break in between each section but unfortunately the school I took the test in did not allow any breaks! the tests were back to back and after taking reading and math, I was exhausted by the time I got to science.

I do not know why but after I came out, I completely blanked out on the questions from science. The one question, I have a vague memory of was the one with the picture of three mountains and it was something about them expanding. Did anyone else have that question?

I also remember the question about autotrophs and something like that. I am going to be retaking the science again next week and am worried sick.

BTW some questions on the reading section completely threw me off. I had two that they wanted me to copy the question on a sheet of paper, then put a circle on the ones with the even number, erase the odd numbers and then chose one of the correct answers after you turn the picture 90 degress another question was similar to that but now I had to turn it 180 degrees clock wise.

Math was also quite difficult because we were not allowed calculators.

Good luck to everyone taking the exam.

I had that exact same version of the test that I took 2 weeks ago. I do remember the question about the mountains and cant find the answer to that. I did find that there are 4 types of mountain formation: fault, fold, plutonic, and volcanic. I read up on each one and found pictures of mountain examples, but still have no idea! Also I do remember the question about autotrophs and I believe that the answer should have been the phytoplankton. One question that did stump me however was about planets. It asked which planet's atomosphere resembles Earths.... and I cant find anything that specifically states this...

The other science questios about clouds, rocks, etc didnt seem too bad. However, the chemistry and physics were a lot harder, I thought, than the other version of the exam I have taken.

I am re-taking this exam on Thursday and am hoping that they use either this version of the test of the 2.0 version since I have now taken both! Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for replying. I am so excited to see your post because you helped me remember a lot of questions that I had forgotten. I had a really embarassing score in science (It is so low that I am embarassed to tell you) I found everything hard even the clouds and the rocks. I also remember the question about the earth's resemblance. I am going to look it up and as soon as I find the answer

I will post it here. I remember the choices of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter.

Are you taking it this Thursday? Good luck to you and thak you so much for posting. I am going to be taking mine next week.

P.S. A few more questions I remember after going through this forum are as follows:

1. The question on Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

2. The physics question on pulling a rope or something like that

3. The question on rain

I am taking the test this thursday so I been cramming like crazy. I remember the question on the parasympathetic/sympathetic question and the correct answer was sympathetic. I think it asked something like "you are nervous about taking your nursing exam and so your heart rate and blood pressure go up. Which system is in control." Or someting like that.

As far as the phyics question, I dont remember mine being about rope. I think one asked soemthing like a 4.0 kg car was going 4 m/s and then sped up to 6 m/s what was his average speed or something like that. I think the other one mighth ave been about the momentum of a moving object, but I really dont remember.

The only question I rembember about rain was talking about cloud formation I think. But I dont remember ;/. Oh and there was that question about placing ice cubes in water and how the heat is transmtted or something. Man the more I think about the test, the more things pop into my head.

I do not know why but after I came out, I completely blanked out on the questions from science. The one question, I have a vague memory of was the one with the picture of three mountains and it was something about them expanding. Did anyone else have that question?

I also remember the question about autotrophs and something like that. I am going to be retaking the science again next week and am worried sick.

I got over 90% on the science and still guessed on that mountain question :) Chemistry, biology and physics... no problem, but random earth science that I haven't studied since 7th grade (if then) was definitely my weak point.

Autotrophs are organisms that make their own food, like plants via photosynthesis.

Wow! Those were some of your science questions on the TEAS?? I just took it last week and did really well, but if I had those questions I would have done much worse than I did. I think my school uses the 2.0 version-those questions must be on 3.0.

I had heard some scary things prior to taking the test about how hard the physics and earth science was so I tried to brush up on some of it, but luckily my science section seemed to focus more on the biological side and some other questions that I knew by chance. This explains why people have such different responses when asked how hard the science is...

Specializes in ICU.

I don't mean to be a killjoy, but didn't you have to sign a document when you took your TEAS that you wouldn't disclose the contents? I only bring it up because the moderators here are very serious about that sort of thing. Hope everyone does well on their test!

ya my school had been using the 2.0 (or at least that was the only version I ever got) until I took the test 2 weeks ago and they changed to the 3.0. So I am kinda hoping that they go back to using the 2.0 version because it seemed much easier than 3.0. :) Lets just pray that when I re-take the test this Thursday they don't change to like a 4.0 version. :no:

Hi! Future ER RN,

How are you? How did you test go on Thursday? I hope everything went well. I am taking mine next week and am panicking at the moment.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

hey, ya I took my test yesterday. I think I did pretty well because it was the same format as last time. I wont know what I got until monday prolly, but hope I did good! Get to freak out until there.... hurray.

Oh! Good, I am so glad to hear that. I am really happy for you. Why are they making you wait till Monday? I hope I get my grade right away otherwise I will really be panicked as it is I am always panicked. lol.

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