Took the TEAS V


Hey everybody! So I took my TEAS V today (1/22/16) and scored an 83.3 overall. That places me in the "Advanced" category, in the 93rd percentile nationally, and in the 94th percentile for my program. It's not AS great as I would have liked, but then again it's also far better than what I expected. Anyways, I know my score isn't necessarily anything to write home about, but I know there are people out there who are freaking out just as badly as I was about taking this bloody exam (I was a NERVOUS WRECK), so if I can be of any support or comfort I'd love to answer any questions you may have!

Hey everybody! So I took my TEAS V today (1/22) and scored an 83.3 overall. That places me in the "Advanced" category, in the 93rd percentile nationally, and in the 94th percentile for my program. It's not AS great as I would have liked, but then again it's also far better than what I expected. Anyways, I know my score isn't necessarily anything to write home about, but I know there are people out there who are freaking out just as badly as I was about taking this bloody exam (I was a NERVOUS WRECK), so if I can be of any support or comfort I'd love to answer any questions you may have!

Congrats @sadieb95 that is a great score. I have a few questions like:

1. How long did you study for the test

2. Which section did you find the hardest

3. Was this your first time

4. Any tips for me:bugeyes:

Thank you!! Yes, this was my first time taking it. I studied for about 3 weeks using the ATI manual and random online practice assessments (I didn't bother with the ATI online exams, but I hear they're great!). The science is, without fail, the hardest part. It is so wishy washy. There are questions on there that I feel like only people who have taken advanced science courses could have answered lol, and like others have said on here, there's only so much you can do to prepare for the science.

Which brings me to some tips-BREATHE! You can totally do this. There are going to be questions that you simply do not understand, but do your best to deduce information and rule out some of the answers. It is multiple choice so you do have the chance to make many educated guesses. If you go into it feeling anxious, you're going to trip yourself up. I happen to be a VERY anxious test taker, but for some reason I just went into this one level-headed and ended up doing pretty well. Read the questions carefully, and don't let the time trip you up too much. I was super nervous about running out of time, but honestly I finished every section with about 15 minutes to spare (minus math, I went about turtle speed and ended up with 5 minutes left on the clock). If I can do it, anybody can. And I genuinely mean that! Best of luck :up:

Congratulations! You must feel so relieved, and I have to say how much I wish I were you. I am a wreck! I have been studying off and on for about one month, and I am afraid of the math portion. I don't feel strong in math. However, I am trying to stay calm. I've reviewed many, many youtube videos.

Here are my questions: 1. was the test more or less difficult than the ATI study guide tests, 2. Were there a ton of math word problems, 3. How tough was the science portion, 4. How long did you study, 5. How confident did you feel going into the test?

Thank you! Now breathe! You did an awesome job on your teas v!

Hey, I hear ya there!! You and I sound a lot alike actually. I was TERRIFIED of the math portion. I dread anything involving math, and I just knew that I wasn't going to do well on it. But guess what...math ended up being my highest freaking score! I have no idea what to make of that haha, but I am genuinely really bad at math! If you haven't checked out Keshwani Prep on Youtube, I can't recommend his videos enough. He literally teaches you the entire math section of the study guide, and he's a riot. He taught me basic math skills that I feel I should have learned back in middle school, and now I love decimal and percentage problems (which used to scare the hell out of me)! I didn't have a lot of word problems fortunately, the math was mostly really basic algebra (solving for x, a few conversion questions, etc.) The word problems looked hard initially at first, but then I really just broke them down and was able to answer them (I think) correctly. I'd say the ATI study guide was very accurate for everything but science. Science was HARD, I won't put it lightly. But I scored an 80 in that section, so it's very possible to score well based off of educated guesses. I studied solidly for 3 weeks, about 1-5 hours per day. I went in with little confidence, but I also made a point to remain calm and realistic and ended up surprising myself. You've been able to put a month into studying, so you're already better off than I was! Best of luck, I know you can do it. Let me know how it goes! When do you take this dreaded exam? :)

Oh, and PS-know your fractions and everything involving them! I had lots of fractions on my test.

I took the TEAS V in August and totally understand how nervous you feel. But here's the truth- if you read every page of the manual and really study only the manual... that's 100% of the test, right there. The only exception is the science section, where there is a ton of questions that you will never ever be able to prepare yourself for. When I saw the science section on the exam, I wanted to cry. Just to be honest. However, I breathed in and out and relaxed. I actually did well on the science! Essentially, focus on the all sections, but really focus on the non-science ones as those can raise your percentage. I had an 86.7% on mine and studied for about 3-4 weeks. If I didn't understand anything, I looked it up. HUGE TIP: there is an article on the sight called "how to pass the teas with a 92%". READ IT!!! I did and it was SOOOO helpful and accurate!!!! Good Luck and you'll do great! :)

I take my TEAS on 2/15 and I cannot wait to get it over with! So far I have been studying about 2 weeks and I am hoping to score over an 80% which would make me competitive for the programs that I am applying for. Good Luck everyone!

I have my TEAS V exam tomorrow and I am a bundle of nerves. I feel okay about the sections except Science. The more I study it seems like the more I don't know. I have been taking practice tests on TEAS prep websites and I watched some you tube videos by mometrix I believe it is. I am struggling with Chemistry and how to balance equations. Aargh! Is there a lot of Chemistry on the exam? I hope not. The possible questions for the Science portion just seems endless. I have the TEAS V study manual and I have studied once through most of the information in the Science section. I hope my strength in the Reading will compensate for Science but one school I'm applying to requires at least 75% in all areas. Whereas another school requires 75% overall. My questions are:

1. How much Chemistry on the exam?

2. Do you get a break in between sections?

3. Do you get your results back the same day?

4. Can you go back and change answers on the exam?

5. Do I really have to take this exam? ha!ha! lol

I have my TEAS V exam tomorrow and I am a bundle of nerves. I feel okay about the sections except Science. The more I study it seems like the more I don't know. I have been taking practice tests on TEAS prep websites and I watched some you tube videos by mometrix I believe it is. I am struggling with Chemistry and how to balance equations. Aargh! Is there a lot of Chemistry on the exam? I hope not. The possible questions for the Science portion just seems endless. I have the TEAS V study manual and I have studied once through most of the information in the Science section. I hope my strength in the Reading will compensate for Science but one school I'm applying to requires at least 75% in all areas. Whereas another school requires 75% overall. My questions are:

1. How much Chemistry on the exam?

2. Do you get a break in between sections?

3. Do you get your results back the same day?

4. Can you go back and change answers on the exam?

5. Do I really have to take this exam? ha!ha! lol

Ha! I think we'd all avoid this damn exam if we could. The science definitely threw me, as I know it does for many other test takers. I had a really in depth codon chart question, and a couple other questions that I just did NOT know how to answer. Luckily I didn't have much chemistry, although I almost wish I had in comparison to all the energy questions I had! I'm awful with physics and anything to do with energy so I definitely wish I had studied that more. I only had one chemical equation to balance and it wasn't too hard. So:

1. Not too much chem on my exam, really only a handful of questions. I had more anatomy questions than anything else, and scientific reasoning/physics.

2. Yes! You don't start the next section until you press forward, so the timer doesn't start until you're actively in the question portion. Take breaks in between each section if you wish!

3. If you take the computerized version then yes, you get them back right as soon as you're done. The paper version is a few days of a wait I believe.

4. You can only go back when you're in that specific section. For instance if you finish reading and move onto math, you can't go back and change answers in reading. But while you're in the reading section you can go back as much as you'd like.

5. Haha, unfortunately so! :) But you can do it. Just use your best judgment! Best of luck, and remember to keep calm. The worst thing you can do is work yourself up.

Hello, sadieb95

Thank you for the feedback! By the way, I LOVE Keshwani. I am finally at my last two videos. At first, I didn't think I would like him much, however, I am SO happy I gave him a shot. He is hilarious. I found myself looking forward to his videos each day. I also learned some super quick and easy tips with multiplying decimals quickly. He is amazing.

Do you remember work rate questions on your test? For example, Jim can paint a room in 1 hour and Sally can paint a room in two hours, how fast can they paint the room if they work together?

Also, did you have a math question involving probability? For example, what is the probability of rolling certain number, or picking up a certain marble, etc.?


No, in face the only somewhat similar question I had asked me to write an equation for the work rate but not actually solve it. I had one or two probability questions. One was about candy, that one tripped me up and I'm still not sure I got it right. :( I will say to make sure you fully memorize and understand percentage increase/decrease formulas! I had a couple of those and they don't give you the formula

I just thought that I'd leave my two cents regarding the TEAS V since it's a key component in getting accepted to your program!

Resources used:

-ATI Book

-Mometrix Test Prep

-Crash Course (Recommend if needed to cram)

-Khan Academy/Bozeman

One of the first things to do: breathe. I was lucky that my testing center had ear plugs and allowed us to go on our own pace (computerized exam). Even in complete silence, you can find yourself either dazed or anxious, and even a mix of both. A suggestion to solve this is to just close your mind and think about why you are taking the test. Sometimes a little emotion can push you out of these zones. I'll be honest, for all you Scrubs fans out there, I imagined answering these questions as if Dr. Cox was asking me them (course these questions are far from rounds). Pacing yourself is important as you may find yourself with little time to spare (math...) or more time than needed (science!). I found myself in these aforementioned sections while taking the test. The transitioning between sections is very important since you're shifting focus on completely different topics (reading and english had some very similar questions). So to recap: breathe, relax, pace, and move on (of course, it's a lot easier said than done).

A little studying before the exam isn't too bad, but I wouldn't go overboard prior. A mantra between my friends is "you either know it or you don't." That is what certainly motivated me to study as much as I could given my resources (ATI, Mometrix, the Internet, etc). So to study, I highly recommend the ATI test book (I checked this out of my local library about two days before my test and learned more from it than the Mometrix brand book). The practice tests are similar to the real test itself with a few minor exceptions (it hasn't been revised and there are new questions on the test not found within the book). The Mometrix book I mentioned has great practice tests (3 of them), but the information lacked reinforcement while trying to learn. YouTube is your best friend for reviewing certain subjects. I recommend Crash Course above all, and of course Khan and Bozeman.

All in all, this is a short reflection on my experience with the TEAS. I scored an exemplary 94.7% in the 99th percentile and was ecstatic to find out my score. I know my advice is a bit broad and general, but I can also offer any answers to questions as well! Good luck to all of you and congratulations to the OP for scoring well on her test!

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