Took the NCLEX and Passed at 75!


I graduated last May of this year and started studying two weeks after my grad. My school had this free review class offered for us so I thought to take advantage of it even though I thought it was too soon and still wanted to rest. So I attended half of the class review and went for a three-week vacation cause i couldn't help it! haha

I went and came back three weeks later resuming where I left off. I used the KAPLAN ON-LINE DEMAND, which cost me around $400. I also bought the SAUNDER'S NCLEX-RN EXAMINATION GUIDE 6TH EDITION to help me review the content. Everyday I would study for a minimum of 6 hours with a couple of breaks in between.

I read the Saunder's book first and finished it answering the questions at the end of each chapter. Then, I started the Kaplan in August. I watched all the videos and answered all the Qbank and Qtrainer questions. In the beginning of my Kaplan review, I had trouble answering its questions because sometimes my reasoning which I learned from my school is different from the reasoning Kaplan would give. I really had to train myself answering the priority questions because it was one of my weakest.(>_

Here are my Kaplan scores: (The tests are numbered in the order I took them)

1) Diagnostic: 62

2) QT 1: 60

3) QT 2: 67

4) QT 3: 63

5) Readiness: 67

6) QT 4: 63

7) QT 5: 67

8) QT 6: 72

9) QT 7: 71

After my diagnostic, I spaced out the first three QTs roughly every 2-3 weeks apart. After my readiness, I spaced the last four QTs roughly every five days as I was getting closer to my scheduled test date: October 7, 2014. I took QT7 3 days prior to my test date. I thought my scores were enough to help me pass but I still couldn't calm myself down.

The day of, I woke up really early to get ready. My test was at 0800 and I woke up 0500 (o_o). I drove to the Pearsonvue center an hour early and arrived 30 mins early. I was SHAKING going to the room. When I was seated to take the exam, I could hear my heartbeat racing (no kidding!). I tried to calm myself to answer each question the best I could but my relaxation techniques weren't working. I had to stop looking at the screen a couple of times and breathe then go back and answer questions. i expected to go beyond 75 questions because I didn't think I was answering properly (T-T). I had a good number of SATAs and one picture question but the rest were multiple questions. I had NO drag and drop or calculation questions. I had no hot spots either.

As I reached the 70s, I was getting even more nervous. I was positive that I would get a page numbered 76 and it would go on. I had a SATA for number 74. Then I got another SATA at 75. Without thinking straight I pressed next, and the screen turned blue!!! I almost cried! I couldn't believe that I stopped there. I didn't know what to think either. The first thought was, "Did I do that bad?" I thought I failed. :(

I had to wait 'til after lunch to find out my results (I'm so glad I don't have to wait for days to find out! I think I would die of anxiety! X_X) So I forced myself to eat lunch and go to the licensor's office. When they gave me my envelope, I just had to open it right then and there. I couldn't wait to get out of the office.

I almost collapsed when it said that I HAD PASSED my exam. Now after 24 hours, it still haven't sunken in that I passed the first time after studying everyday for the past 2 and a half months!!! T-T

Sorry for the suuuuuper long post but I just wanted to share my journey here because I know we are all in the same boat.

Here are some encouragements :)

For those of you who are nearing your exam date, you must be scared out of your mind. I was too! The key is to believe in yourself and continue to think positive thoughts! Acknowledge your efforts for coming all the way here...from nursing studying for nclex. You cannot have come this far if you do not have what it takes to be an RN! Believe me! Try to do better than me at relaxing yourself when you sit on that chair. Look at the computer with your game-face on and think about how much you've prepared for that moment! You're ready! Do not worry about how many number of questions you answer. Whether you get 75, 100, 150, 200, or 265, DO NOT LOSE YOUR CONCENTRATION!!!! When the test passes 75, just think of it as a chance to prove yourself more and pull yourself up!

For those who did not pass and are continuing their own journey to that RN license, I admire you. DO NOT GIVE UP! The number of times you take the nclex does not matter when you get that license!! Your patients cannot see how many times you took the nclex but how capable you are of taking care of them. At the end of this road, everybody will just be RNs. Not nclex 1-time taker RN #1 or nclex 2- or 3-time taker RN #2... As long as you have that passion for your job, you will be recognized as a great nurse!!!

So I bid everybody GOOD LUCK!!! Positive thoughts!!! Even now, I congratulate you all soon-to-be RNs!! :)

Congrats to you! I am nearing my exam Friday after studying 5 weeks. I have QT7 left which I will do tomorrow.

My QT scores are

QT1: 60%

QT2: 70%

QT3: 63%

QT4: 65.3%

QT5: 66.7%

QT6: 65.5%

QT7: doing tomorrow

I also completed LaCharity PDA and read Saunders (without pharm)

did you find the NCLEX harder than kaplan? And what would you suggest I review/focus on in my last couple days? Thank you!

You are doing well! The questions of NCLEX are very similar to the questions we answered using our Kaplan. However, the questions in NCLEX are short!! Most of them are just one sentence or at the most two sentences!! So like how Kaplan sometimes gives us many details about the situation in which the client is in, NCLEX does not do that. I had a lot of questions about health promotion..(like what do you teach or which statement made by the client indicates 'correct' understanding of the teaching). But since NCLEX shuffles its questions I'm not sure if you'll get the same questions as me. I suggest to look at the results of your QT7, see which is your lowest category and review a bit more on that category :)

You're ready! Good luck you can do it!! :)

Thanks for the advice! I just took QT7 and got 57.4% so I am kinda worried. There were so many SATA on this QT I was going a bit crazy :(

Does Kaplan Demand help you.Which one do you think I can get Kapln Demand or Kaplan live online.thank you

Hi Mira, Kaplan live online helped me but I think what really solidified my learning process was more so the question bank that comes with Kaplan. I created a schedule for myself and followed it in terms of the qbank. I did about 100 questions a day, and did their diagnostic tests on a weekly basis.

Hi jp,

Do not fret based on your kaplan scores. I have found that they seem to not completely coincide whether you will pass or fail. My QT7 was ~58 I believe and I still passed. I think it is most important to really look at what types of questions you are getting wrong and reviewing those kinds of questions. It is easy to get a lot wrong on the trainers because it is not formatted to your level in the same way the NCLEX is tailored to each person.

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