Does anyone know what the current practice is regarding alcohol swabbing new single use vials after you pop off the tops prior to drawing up the fluid?
There seem to be two camps of thought:
One says that the vial is sterile since you've just popped off the top and alcohol swabbing is unnecessary.
The other camp says swab everything prior to drawing up meds even on single use vails. The reasoning being that the pop off tops are just there to protect the top not necessarily to keep the top sterile and you should always swab every vial even single use prior to drawing up the fluid.
I was just audited by a very detailed RN who is the "swab everything" camp; Therefore I am now swabbing everything. However, I still see other nurses not swabbing before using single use vials who watch what I'm doing (the gift and curse of being the only new RN on the floor and having a wonderful support) and tell me its unnecessary.
I just want to know if anyone else has any input or research you can point me to.
Thank you, TR