To the nurses who already completed SEC Assessment in BC please help

World Registration


Please share with me your experiences during your assessment, and how long did you wait for the result? And what are the actual recomendations after you received your result. Does anyone actually granted a provisional or temporary license after SEC or is everyone who took the assessment have to undergo continuing education or educational upgrading? if so, how many months?

I am scheduled to have an assessment on April and I'm a bit anxious what might be the outcome....I might not afford it if ever they recommend me to take further study for moths or years..

Please enlighten it worth to pursue it?

Hai camx once your done with your sec assessment can we be in touch Iam writng my sec in november in BC.Please me back and help me out at [email protected]

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
Hai camx once your done with your sec assessment can we be in touch Iam writng my sec in november in BC.

Are you aware that SEC assessments aren't only written exams? They also include OSCE - Objective Structured Clinical Exam along with interviews, role-playing and self-assessment. A complete assessment takes 5 full days.

There's an excellent video on the CRNBC web site that explains the whole process.

Hi! Any update on your SEC? How long will they issue the result after the 5days assessment? Thanks! Did you say you also applied for PN? Were you made eligible to sit in for the exam by the regulatory body?

Hi Everyone ! Nice to read everyone's reviews and experiences about SEC assessment. Still have few enquires about the SEC assessment. I'm scheduled for SEC assessment in Medical Surgical Nursing. I'm really confused where to start with an what the main things on which I should focus. I am aware of the criteria for the assessment. But could not figure out the sources for preparation. I would really appreciate if anybody can help!

Hi! I'm new to this forum. Navneet, When are you scheduled to take the SEC? I am reading Mosby's Canadian Comprehensive Review of Nursing which I borrowed from the library, and watching OSCE from YouTube. I don't have any schedule yet because Kwantlen is full until June.

Did anyone here had to pay for their own assessment? There is an option to pay $1225+ tax to expedite your schedule for SEC if you're a CRNBC applicant.

Hi, im still waiting to be scheduled for Gen. nursing SEC assessment at KPU. Im from alberta, unfortunately our only option is to pay $1,300. Have you already undergone SEC? Can I ask what are good resources to prepare for it? It is so overwhelming. I have a friend who has really good experience and graduated with flying colors and clinical awards but didn't make it. Now, Im having regrets of choosing SEC instead of bridging.

Thanks for your valued information.

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