Published Aug 5, 2011
nnl erRN
9 Posts
I'm a new grad in a very busy ED. Just curious if becoming a member of ENA is beneficial? Does is help with current articles and practice?
Anna Flaxis, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,816 Posts
My nursing school instructors taught me that it's *always* a good idea to maintain membership in a professional organization and to subscribe to nursing journals. I've found it helpful to be a member of the ENA. I get their publications, which contain articles on best practice, and when I'm ready to take the CEN, I'll pay less.
ChuckeRN, BSN, RN
198 Posts
The last time I checked, the discount for the CEN test will alone pay for the ENA membership.
whichone'spink, BSN, RN
1,473 Posts
I am a student and I became an ENA member. The Journal of Emergency Nursing is worth the membership; if I were to get that by itself, it would cost much more than ENA membership dues.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I just discovered the military rate for ENA is now cheap cheap! Like $90 a year. HOOAH! Been a member since 2009-ish, I think I waited to join until I was getting ready to take the CEN exam.
139 Posts
worth it.
101 Posts
Definitely. Any students who are reading this post should def join ENA while a student--only $38. ENA makes it easy to keep developing professionally. Join their list serv, go to the conference, take CEN. If ED nursing is your passion, there's no reason not to join!!
And, congrats on finding a new grad ED job. I'm looking for a job right now! Did you apply for med/surg jobs, too, or did you just follow your passion and apply only for ED jobs?? Any tips??
I precepted in the ED I currently work at. How much are membership dues for ENA, the website does not clearly state prices?
I did the three-year membership, I think it was $250. I'm pretty sure a one-year membership is $100.
Regular one year membership is $100; some states charge more for their membership dues, like for example, California. Student dues are $50, or $38 if you are a member of NSNA. Some organizations charge more than that. I think it's a steal.
34 Posts
Admittedly, there are some lame professional organizations that seem as though they are selling memberships more than aiding the profession. The ENA is not one of those.
I believe the journal alone is worth the monthly fee--it's simply the best magazine of its kind. As a previous poster said, the discounts on classes and certifications will also pay the yearly dues.
Join. You won't regret it. Ever.
561 Posts
Over the 18-19 years I've been in nursing, I've been in MANY professional organizations. At one time I probably was a member of 7 or 8 at once. I've since thinned that down to the ENA and the ANA only.
Of all those I was a member of the ENA is THE CHEAPEST one I've ever seen. $100 a year is like what 8$ a month??? That's awesome. The magazine/journal alone retails for $4.95 per single issue! The ENA connection (the membership magazine) is probably worth another $3-4 alone. The access to member tools/resources on their website - OUTSTANDING! AND the discounts you get by being an ENA member to classes, conferences, courses, or buying ENA merchandise pays you back multi-fold! Even if you don't get anything for it, your $$ help to go to promote Emergency nursing education, research, scholarships and policy development and advocacy! Where else do you get all that?
Now the ANA on the other hand, is probably the MOST expensive one I've ever been in -I think it's like $22.50 a month!!! I don't get much use out of it, but I like to keep abreast of the political climate in regards to nursing. The ANA is THE largest nursing professional organization and they are highly invovled with the political/lobbying/policy making scene. It is the largest advocacy organization for all of nursing - so I keep that one too.