Published Sep 1, 2006
200 Posts
I've been hanging out at the AWHONN site a lot. The dues are pretty steep, and I'm wondering if it's worth joining. Any members of AWHONN here who can give me some feedback?
Also, I'm checking out their FHM program. It sounds interesting, but I'm wondering why you can't purchase the first module (a CD-ROM) online through their website. You have to call Lippincott corporate sales. No one available for the next 4 days for calls. If any of you have done the FHM program, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm definitely going to buy the CD when I can get hold of someone.
107 Posts
I just took the FM course (Intermediate Fetal Heart Monitoring) and went on to the Instructor Enhancement course and have now taught my first class. One of the requirements is that you have to belong to AWHONN. One thing I find disappointing is that you must purchase some of the information. I feel like after paying $140.00, I shouldn't have to purchase any of the position statements etc. I highly recommend the FM course, though. It is a very good review and even after 21+ years, I still learned some new things. The NICHD definitions for decels, variability etc. was great.
Thanks for your reply. I'm planning a return to nursing after a 10 year absence, hopefully to L&D. I'm nervous as heck and trying to learn as much as possible.
The dues are high, and I wouldn't want to pay for additional information either. Cost of being a safe professional, though, and it's probably well worth it.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
118 Posts
I took the FM course from AWHONN that they came to my hospital and offered (director set it up... one of the few things constructive she has done... ) Anyway, it really really cleared up a lot of things for me as far as reading the strips and interventions. I would recommend it to anyone interested. I also have entertained the idea of joining AWHONN and was taken back by the price.
640 Posts
I have belonged to AWHONN since I started out (4 years) and have found the information provided in their magazine and journal (part of the membership cost) to be very informative and helpful. I am also concerned that we are held to the standards set by our professional organization and yet most nurses on the floor don't seem to know what they are. I can't tell you how many times I have said that "The AWHONN standard is..." and have blank stares back to me. I don't think it is a perfect organization and I hate writing that check every year, but I feel that in the long run it is worth it and it gives you info and recognized expertise to fall back on.
Your local area will also have chapter meetings quarterly or so that are great opportunities for networking and learning new information. I have found my membership useful.
20,964 Posts
A strong vote IN FAVOR here.
judy ann
225 Posts
I highly recommend AWHONN. I joined many years ago when it first organized as NAACOG. I have never felt that I wasted my money or regretted being a member. The earlier comment regarding AWHONN standards is quite true. If one needs to testify in court, knowing those standards is very important. Also, if one follows their standards, one knows that you have followed the best. So, write the check, and sit back and learn!!
Thanks for your input. Looks like I'll be writing that check!
I lived in Boulder/Denver for about 4 years. I still miss something about Boulder every day. Sigh.
zahryia, LPN
537 Posts
I even joined and I'm just a student.
Sable's mom
186 Posts
Another vote FOR joining. Besides the magazines (Lifelines & JOGNN) with their respective learning opportunities, the chapter meetings are a great way to learn AND to network. You never know when you might need that name in another hospital for advice, assistance with families moving ot transferring, etc. Best thing of all - last time I was deposed, one of the questions I was asked by the plantiffs attorney was about professional organizations and keeping up with changes in the profession - I think he figured since I was 'old' I probably hadn't kept up - and he was quite taken aback to find out I had been an AWHONN member for years and a FHM instructor. (Good news - case was dropped).
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
I'm not a member but it would probably be a good idea to sign up.