We've been here before. I posted this sort of thing once before and several people from here queried EC and ebay about it, and the items were pulled. (Thank you!!!)
This is an even more brazen individual than that last one. Multiple items and somehow has the auctions going until March or April (didn't know you could do that!). When you look at these item descriptions, if you have any sense of academic integrity, you are going to gag. I think it must be worse for us EC alums and students.
So I am asking again for some strength in numbers.
Here is the URL for complaining to ebay:
Here is the phone number for complaining to Excelsior College: 1-888-647-2388. School of nursing is ext 1314. Test administration is ext 16. I think those two cover it.
Here are the item numbers for the ebay items.
You can just look up one, then click on "view seller's other items," and you will get these (assuming we haven't already succeeded!) and any others that are subsequently listed.
Please complain. This kind of crime proliferates when we do nothing because we think it doesn't affect us personally. But cheating demeans the rep of our school, and therefore our credential, and us as nurses who graduated from Excelsior College through our own hard work.
Go get 'em!
And thanks.