Thursday July 18th 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Stars that's nice that they're getting you a new mattress

Dianah that sounds like a nice day

NJ22 glad the trip was good even if crowded

Work was pretty good, although stayed a little late as I got a new case near the end of the day.  But was able to work ahead again for next week as I had planned

After work was pretty quiet.  Exercised and got started on a CEU for renewal for one of my licenses, fairly long course so will spread out over a couple of days

Work will likely be busier the next day or two, hoping things won't get too busy. Have little packing left to do so things should be quiet after work

Going to be cooler today in the mid 70s

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

It's another mizzable 'haute' day: 94 feels like 98 and humid, of course. S'posta rain a bit this evening.

I did a terrible thing....coming back home, I went onto the backyard to be heading out  when I parked under the carport---but my turn was waaaaay off and I scratched and scraped all down the passenger's side of the car, both the front and back doors. UGH, dammit! If hubby was alive he'd be giving me a LOT of grief right now. I am hoping it can be buffed out and look better; no dents or anything. We'll see, I reckon, what it might cost to make it look better. 

Got my mattress. I tried about 7 mattresses and asked the guy if he had a really firm mattress, and he just happened to have a twin one minus the box Spring and was waiting to get rid of it from the inventory. The guy quoted $375 and I winced, so he bumped the cost down by taking the tax off of it. He said $325.  SiL had told me to look for something about $250.  I paid $100 and BiL will pay the other $225 and pick it up, bring it over here....either tonight or tomorrow.

Okay, gotta clear the pathway to the platform frame in case BiL decides to get it over here tonight. It looks like it wants to rain, so, even though the mattress is covered by plastic wrap, he may wait until tomorrow. We'll see!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Afternoon all! Storms rolled through the last couple of days. I was one of the fortunate to not lose power. Still 500 in my county waiting for their power to be restored. Thankfully the storms brought cooler weather with them- high today was 85 instead of high 90s.

Decided to take the lazy way out and ordered delivery for dinner. This week has me beat!

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Hi. Nice day here, per dh, not as warm as it has been. Of course, to him, anything over 65 is miserable. I had a nice little jog at the park this morning, then home for a little gardening. I helped youngest ds clean in his room today, sorting out things to toss, or donate. And, boy, did we stir up some dust. but 2 garbage cans are full, and 3 boxes of stuff to donate, and a recycle bin is full of cans and bottles. I stopped at Ikea yesterday and picked up 2 duvet covers, and put one of those on the down comforter, and that brightens up the bedroom. 

I don't have any plans for dinner. It may be just pb&j. 

Regarding bread with dinner. I grew up that way, too. I think it was part of the 4 food groups: meat; veg & fruit; dairy; cereal and bread. We just had the cheap, store brand, 3/$1.00 white bread. Toasted for breakfast, balogna sandwiches for lunch, bread and margarine with supper. For holidays, we had brown and serve white rolls. When my kids were little, I got into bread baking, and I still have a nice honey whole wheat loaf I like. Each kid had braces at some point, and they preferred whole grain breads because it didn't gum up their braces. Now, I eat one slice of dave' killer bread for breakfast, and rarely, like tonight, have a sandwich for dinner. I would cook with more grains, but Mr. Fussypants that I married doesn't like most of them. Or he thinks he doesn't like them. 

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

The Dave's seeded bread is VERY good!  I found some low-carb bread that I have ordered, and when it arrived I put it in the freezer.  So, I can have (almost) guilt-free bread-and-butter, or toast.  I also have some low-carb pasta that tastes pretty good!  So, I don't feel I am missing out on much, going low-carb.  🙂

Tonight dh will have PB&J, his choice!  I will have leftover veggies from the Thai restaurant.  I need to make mushrooms paprikash, for our "this will stretch for three meals" meal!

We had a quiet day today.  Watched a movie.  I slept only 1.5 hr last night, so yeah, I took a nap earlier.  I am reading a book.  Well, I have a couple books going right now, LOL!  It is still triple-digits out for a few days, then will lower back into the 90's.  "But it's a DRY heat!"

Ugh, No Stars, I hope there is no body damage, just paint scrapes that can be buffed out!  AND, good you are OK!

nursej22, congrats on getting the room cleaned out!  THAT is an accomplishment!

Rose, enjoy your takeout!  NO GUILT!!  Hope the week improves (it will, with the weekend coming up, yes?).

Joe, I hope work was tolerable.  I assume your packing is done (you are usually an early bird with your packing! 🙂 ).  When do you leave, and where are you going (again)?  Safe travels!

That's it from here!  Have a good evening!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good evening.

That sucks Stars.  Congrats on the new mattress.

Rose, hope you enjoy your take out and get some good rest.

I like Dave's Killer bread.  Recently they had a BOGO sale and I tried the "everything" bread and it was good.  But didn't go to well with PB&J.  

Was in charge of 30 patients and no secretary so naturally everyone became crippled when its came to answering the phone.  Several times I had to ask a coworker standing by a ringing phone to answer it.  Sheesh.....


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