Thursday February 13 2025


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Stars I hope today was relaxing and/or productive

Ado I wish it was warm enough here to sit outside

Dianah I'm glad Toby is doing better

Hope you sleep better tonight Tweety

NJ22 that's almost as cold as it was here

Work featured more voicemails and emails than I expected, in addition to a meeting, but by the end of the day things quieted down

Rest of the day was pretty quiet, exercised then took a warm bath with some hot chocolate, which I figured was appropriate given the weather.  Though we probably only had 2-3 inches of snow.  Decided to save the CEUs for the weekend

Today have another meeting at work I think, hopefully no new cases or lots of voicemails or emails.  After work will exercise and then make a recipe for the potluck tomorrow, cinnamon tortilla crisps, very easy

Will only get up to 20 today, then temperatures will drop later tonight

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Weird weather report.....40 degrees now, s'posta get up to 64 (?!) and we will have a possible thunderstorm, as indicated by one lightning bolt under a cloud. Hmmm. Anyway I woke up cold again this morning and was only awake enough to consider getting another blanket to put on top of the bed, but never did get up to do that until my bladder woke me up at 8:30 AM. Now, I am having some hot coffee, and the extra blanket is over me, and it is a little too warm. Go figure.

Welp, tonight is "get the trash out to the curb" time, as tomorrow AM is the pickup. I don't know of any agenda for today. Well, that's not exactly true, because when I get done posting this, I will put the laptop down and close my eyes again. But, later I can transfer my wash I did last night into the dryer to complete that task. And there are a few dishes. 

SiL's mom was brought to the hospital the day before yesterday; they think she may have had a light stroke. SiL says "she isn't acting like herself." So, I don't know what direction that problem will take. She already lives in a nursing home.  ///  SiL said her health insurance will not cover a less invasive treatment for her lower back and leg pain, but they WILL pay for the more extensive and expensive choice for treatment, that being "metal and fusing" of the lower spine. The lesser expensive treatment is expensive enough, though, and would cost her something ridiculous like $6,000. I don't think I could've afforded any of my lower back and hip treatment if I didn't have Medicare, but her problem is not 'just a cyst'. She is not willing to put in the time for the metal-and-fusion-job surgery.... she is too busy and has too many responsibilities/jobs. AND it would not allow for her to do certain things like bending and lifting. So, that's her criteria, and she is not going to say yes to the inner re-structuring of her lower spine.

Today is not Chatty CG's day....she will be coming every-other-Thursday, so it will be another happy, joyous, wonderful day for me, as in: "Are we going anywhere today?" 

No, nobody is going anywhere except maybe "out of their mind". I would say Nannie can go first in that regard, but she is already way, way ahead of me. It is so weird when I say something to her and she just stares at me with a blank facial expression, like she didn't hear or understand me. I say, "Did you hear (or understand) what I just said?" and she will nod her head yes, but then says 'no'...

I tried to go back to sleep, but alas, I could not, so I suppose I will get up and put some clothes on and "act like somebody" 🤪😵 Just to be different, instead of saying "Ppfftt! I will say "Pllrrbb!" (which is a raspberry)

Where is my Knight-in-Shining-Armor who is supposed to rescue me? Oh, ick, I couldn't deal with that. Hubby actually thought he was rescuing me when we got married; he didn't realize that the way I was living then was MY CHOICE; I think it must've been a shock for him to realize that I YAM WHUT I YAM. And really, the last thing I want to deal with is another person to have to pay attention to, when I have a hard time paying attention to and taking care of myself.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Just wrote and erased a very long post, because it was, frankly, embarrassingly UNKIND. I am in a mood that has lasted far too long. I keep trying to "give it to God", but it would seem even He does not want to deal with it!


Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

(((((((((((((((( No Stars )))))))))))))))))  Go pound a pillow, release some of that.  How loud can ya scream?  When is the next 'time off'?  Thinking of you.

It is RAINY today, yay!  Not real hard, but persistent, and accompanied by wind.  We are snug here at home.  I did go to the grocery store, for supplies to make a mushrooms paprikash dish, probably tomorrow, to last us through the weekend.  Got more eggs and more fruit. 

Joe, cinnamon tortilla crisps sound yummy (and easy)!

Not much else happening here.  ds's are well.  Cats are lounging here, there, and everywhere.  😄 

Have a good evening!

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

Oh, and the Valentine's Day display as I entered the grocery store:


Eye-catching, to say the least!!  LOL!

Specializes in Med-Surg.


Have a busy day at work.  

That is a striking display Ado.  

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

It's still cold. Maybe we will get more snow. Or warm up and rain. 

I have to sign yet more forms, to get my car insurance check, but no surprise, the online form I was sent won't accept my electronic signature. And the insurance adjuster did not answer, nor did she return my call. It has been 9 weeks since my accident. 

I should go pound a pillow. Or yell. 

Stars, that is stupid that your SiL's insurance wants her to have major surgery vs. a less invasive procedure. She has a lot on her plate, with an ailing mom, trying to spell you, dealing with Nannie, and working. 

We don't usually do anything for Valentine's Day. Maybe we'll go out for a sundae. 

I had potato chips and a wine cooler for dinner. Somedays are just like that. 

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