Things you'd like to say to your co-workers, but never would ....

Nurses General Nursing


We've got a thread for what we'd like to say to our patients ... now onto what we'd like to say to a few (not all) of some of our fellow nasty nurse co-workers -- and I'm not even including our CNA's here -- I'm talking our fellow colleagues in nursing -- you know the ones I'm talking about:

1. Could some of you just be HUMAN for one day and not be out to get your fellow co-workers for one minute? How about showing a bit of forgiveness, and not walk around threatening to "write him or her UP" for every little nit picky thing you can find. It can come to bite you right back in the butt SOMEDAY.

2. Try laughing. Try some humor. Try a personality. Don't glare. Smile. Don't think I don't notice your little darting glares you throw at me all day -- I see them, and they poison my day.

3. Your co-workers are NOT the whipping board for every little thing that is wrong with your life, your relationships, your health, your finances, and your "woe is me" life problems. Take care of those at HOME and stop bringing them to work. Stop talking about them at work -- I'm seriously not into hearing about it. I have my own very real problems, but I don't burden everyone else with them. Wouldn't dream of it. But you do.

4. Could you also try siding with your co-workers and stop butt kissing the management? It's so tacky to do -- and it shows. You have no idea how very much it shows.

5. Do your job. Do your paperwork. Just do what is your responsibility on YOUR shift. Please stop leaving everything for the next nurse to "clean up." Give the extra five minutes and please clean up that chart so me, the nurse following you, does not get dragged down for the next 2 hours trying to fix it.

6. Try looking out for your fellow co-workers, and just not so much yourself. Work CAN be fun. Work can be full of camraderie and good will -- if folks like you could just be cleared out and re-trained. Nursing COULD be so much different -- if you'd just get out of your other-destructive patterns.

I don't have as many years in nursing as i'm sure some of you do -- but I'd love to hear more... I hope to God I don't recognize myself in any of these comments, or ever will.

Specializes in ICU.

Don't make a snooty remark like "it must be nice to not have anything to do" when I take 2 minutes to ask the unit secretary about her sick son as she's walking out the door. I have been running my tail off all night, you've asked me to cover you for 3 smoke breaks in 4 hours, and I really don't like you already so don't make it worse.

When you ask for help in boosting a patient and only my side moves, I do notice and am going to be busy next time you ask for help.

Don't complain about my assignment when yours is extra heavy. It happens to all of us and I'm helping you a lot more than you ever helped me.

Show more appreciation for people. The x-ray tech almost fell over when I thanked him last night because it so rarely happens.

Don't touch my patient until you know what is going on!

Can't believe anyone didn't bring this one up: Mr. Really Cute Resident: Every time I see you, I just wanna cuddle up to you! (How inappropriate, I know.)

Idiot know-it-all: Shut your pie hole this minute, if I tell you my kid is trying to die, neither I nor s/he needs a ten-minute diatribe about all the things we need to do, code meds and O2 flow. Jump in and help me instead of running your mouth.

Charge Nurse: It doesn't matter how nice you are to me. I was classically conditioned as a new grad, so you kinda scare me.

Specializes in L&D, Family Practice, HHA, IM.
Charge Nurse: It doesn't matter how nice you are to me. I was classically conditioned as a new grad, so you kinda scare me.

So true!!:yeah:

To any and all my co-workers:

Can someone PLEASE help me get to lunch sometime today and watch my patients for 30 minutes. I'm new here, and need to eat. Anyone? Anyone?

Specializes in Critcal Care.
Please speak English in pt. care areas and at the nurses station. It is incredibly rude not to do so.

YES! Those with manners in the bilingual world know that it is very rude to speak another language in front of those who do not understand for the purpose of having a private conversation. Now, if you have trouble with the language of the workplace, you're given a little latitude. Usually what teaches these people a lesson is when they get "caught" by a co-worker who understands the foreign language, but never mentioned it. That's fun. I love to do it when two docs get together and jabber away about the nurses. Some moments are priceless.

You are a disgrace to nursing. I hope that one day you will get what you deserve, you backbiting, bullying, brown nosing b****. This could be such a great unit, but you are the rotten apple (everybody knows it, everybody hates you - because of what you have done to them - but somehow, you manage to stay and continue to spread your poison).

Thanks to your lies and backstabbing I have effectively lost my job*. I hope this makes you happy as you trash me to the new full-time hire**, no doubt (you did it with the last nurse you had run off - trashed her to me, although I didn't even know her. How sick).

However, I do believe in Karma and girl, you've got something coming :angryfire


* I'm a PRN acute dialysis nurse who never got called back after the nurse I'm writing about got disciplined for badmouthing me in another department 3 months ago. Coincidence? I don't think so. Guess who's so far up the mgr's rear end that she can't see the light?

** Not my replacement, since I was PRN.

I'm not an idiot just because I smile, am cheerful, etc. I'm not naive. I'm not a sucker. I just actually have a happy life, a heart and a soul. I want to love my job. I actually want to get along with you, too. I know that's hard to recognize for some people.

I'd like to say just a great big DITTO and have a great day!:loveya:

Can't believe anyone didn't bring this one up: Mr. Really Cute Resident: Every time I see you, I just wanna cuddle up to you! (How inappropriate, I know.)

Oh, yes, I can chime in here. To the tall, blond and handsome surgical resident team who came in to see my patient before his carotid doppler. Do you have any idea how glorious you looked to me after a day of looking at poop, pee, old bodies, oozing wounds, ugly feet, messes in the rooms, breakrooms, nasty faces of my co-workers, nasty family members you have any idea what an oasis -- almost what a mirage it seemed to be to see your tossled golden hair and tanned chisled face .... so tall, so handsome in your white coats was a sight for sore eyes, yes it was . . . thank you for coming into my room to provide me with this respite. :loveya:

Oh, I know, I know .. . I'm a middle aged woman with absolutely no chance in hell ever with you -- but even just to look and to get that brief break in my day -- well, it's wonderful. Thanks for being SO gosh darned handsome, you residents, you.

Now, all you older crabby docs ...forget it. Don't you go gettin' ANY ideas. :no:;) LOL. (sorry -- I'll take that back. Some of those older docs are pretty cute, too. Just not the crabby ones!)

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Your negative attitude and constant foul language and complaints about the idiots you have to work with aren't doing anything to impress anyone.

*not a nursing job, but still

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Please stop double checking all my paperwork. I promise you I do my job, and I do it well. I've signed for the meds I administered and I took off the new orders. For the record, I know you are a piranha nurse who revels in the drama you cause. You are a brown-noser and a tattletale. You seek fault in others to make yourself look better. You inspire me to be a better nurse. Rest assured, sweety, I am your colleague not your competition.

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.
can't believe anyone didn't bring this one up: mr. really cute resident: every time i see you, i just wanna cuddle up to you! (how inappropriate, i know.)

get out of my head! ;)


Specializes in LTC, ER.
Can't believe anyone didn't bring this one up: Mr. Really Cute Resident: Every time I see you, I just wanna cuddle up to you! (How inappropriate, I know.)

forget cuddling up, there is one staff doctor anytime i talk to him about anything all i can think is that i would have sex with you right now on this desk! I can barely remember what i was talking to him about after i walk away, he is so beautiful! And has a nice personsality.

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