Published Nov 11, 2013
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
When it looks like things are not going your way. When it looks like everything is working against you. When it feels like the end of the world. Think of all the people who are still trying to get into school. Think of the person who just failed NCLEX for the 5th time. Think of the poor turkey who you or your friend will be eating on Thanksgiving day.
Do you still think things are bad?
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TrevyRN, BSN, RN
115 Posts
Some days, in nursing school, I would rather have been that turkey. But - hey - it did end! Sometimes I still get nursing school PTSD moments though when I tutor students and they tell there tales of woe...
Hang in there peeps and happy Turkey Day!
55 Posts
Sometimes in clinical I feel like I'm being served with cranberry stuffing
whichone'spink, BSN, RN
1,473 Posts
School is nothing. Just wait until you become a nurse. Then you'll be the turkey stuffed with cranberry sauce served on a platter.
33 Posts
"When it looks like things are not going your way. When it looks like everything is working against you. When it feels like the end of the world."
Wow. I feel "blah" at times..........but never ever close to this kind of "blah". This is beyond "blah".
With that said, I'm grateful for never feeling beyond "blah". happy turkey day.
Penelope_Pitstop, BSN, RN
2,369 Posts
A med student once said, "I always think of this way - it could always be worse...I could be on fire!"
I found school to be more emotionally exhausting and working to be more physically exhausting. I think it depends on your school and your work environment. Positive attitude helps ... to an extent LOL