Therapeutic drug values in content?


Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

I start my GN orientation in less than a week and in less than a month will be sitting for NCLEX. In my review using the Saunders Comprehensive Review, I didn't do well for lab values; specifically therapeutic drug values. I see that Saunders asks for knowledge about normals in dilantin, theophylline and dig levels, as well as numbers for Troponin T, liver and thyroid levels.

My question addresses content on NCLEX. In your experience, have questions addressed numerical values for these types of levels? I'm not referring to sodium, potassium WBC and what I would consider common entry level knowledge.

They will not be asking you for a specific range but may give you a patient that has such and such lab results, what would you do in terms of giving meds or holding them, etc. Things like that. They want to know that you know what to do when you get a lab value that is not normal, or what to do if it is normal.

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