Published Nov 7, 2013
168 Posts
I wrote last week about the crazy mother who was mad at us for not calling her when her son pulled a muscle in gym class. Well now he's trying out for basketball. he has to be cleared by me here in the health office. OF COURSE he has issues and I can't clear him. 1) he needs a doctor's note clearing his leg injury (just stating he's fine and can play gym and sports) and 2) he needs a current physical within the past year (state law!!) We called him down to the office and told him this yesterday, so we were just waiting for his mother to call with her panties in a wad. And she didn't disappoint.
She just called literally screaming as soon as we answered the phone, about why he's not cleared. Tried to explain to her but she wasn't hearing it - she says his original note from urgent care said he's only out of gym a week and that should be good enough. True... but we really need a note saying he's free of injury and can play gym and sports without restriction (especially on her kid since she is the type of parent to sue the school for clearing him if/when he gets injured playing a sport!). I have dozens of kids in this same situation and no one has a hissy fit, they call their dr and get a stupid note faxed over, end of story. It's a really common situation! So it's not like he's the only kid that we're singling out, although I'm sure she thinks so. She ended up hanging up saying she was calling our supervisor - the athletic director - again. Ok lol go ahead. I called his office to give him a heads up, although he wasn't there, so I'm sure he got a fun voice mail from her. Sorry but I'm not signing my name to a kid that isn't compliant with state law and is a medical/legal risk.
The best part is she hung up before we could also tell her he needs the current physical too. We did physicals on Tuesday after school and her kid didn't show. We had about 4x as many kids as normal too and stayed way late just to accommodate all the althletes who need sports clearance. He did ask me yesterday (Wednesday) if we could do one on him because he forgot to come. No, because we need the district NP here to do it, and she's not here all the time and we have set days for a reason. We do them again next weds... after tryouts have started. And FTR, sports papers were all DUE BY 11/1 so technically you missed the deadline anyway!! (but we're nice and still accept papers of course)
fetch, BSN, RN
1 Article; 481 Posts
There's always at least one parent who didn't do what they needed to . . . AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,677 Posts
Had a kid who had inflammation between the dermal wanted EVERY accomodation to make life easier and OCR (office of Civil rights) on speed dial if 504 was not adhered to.
Needed accomodations in the classroom (extra books) as a back pack was too heavy....
Extra time for work due to fatigue......
BUT BUT BUT was OK to play a varsity sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student was not held acountable for ANYTHING
Karma has a way of working out, the child has a lengthy arrest record, not even sure if a GED was obtained (moved to another state)
lol yea I have kids out for injuries, dr notes taking them out of gym (and 4 years of gym is a NY state requirement to get a regents diploma, so they have to make those classes up - lots of parents think if they just tell us their kid can't play it's totally excused, because in elementary and MS you can. lol this is a whole 'nother issue). Anyway, some parents think that their kid can be so injured they can't play gym... but can play their varsity sport. LOL UM NO!
'Cause the recruiters are there for the next D-1 scholarship!!!! Bwahaha!!
Like when they are freshmen!!!
Happens, but VERY rarely!!!!!!!!!!!!
30 Posts
I had one of those yesterday because baby boy scrapped he knee and she is upset she did not receive a call. I'm sorry but a 10yr old can tell you what happened when he gets home! Even though it was just a MINOR abrasion I still made sure he didn't do any serious damage and even have him ice for it, never did he come back to complain it hurt. He was absent the yesterday bc his knee was so swollen poor thing couldn't walk. Luckily the 2 secretaries intercepted the calls, she says I don't want to complain but... I should have been called. My response would have been "I'm not going to call you for any little minor thing, because if I do end up having to call it means your baby boy is sick and needs to be picked up or there is a REAL emergency. Release the umbilical and you baby grow up and be a man!", think they understood my mood that day with all the other REAL emergencies I had that day with sending a kid out with chest pain and no contact numbers or even a updated address!
566 Posts
I had a student come in one day last year with mild cold symptoms, she insisted I call mom. Mom's really yelling and rude response " I know, I gave her meds this morning, she is fine" and hung up. Next day - same student, same complaint, same assessment, same mom had given her med right before school. I sent her back to class. An hour later she called screaming at me " how dare you not call me, ___________ would never come to see you if she wasn't really sick." With some people, it is a lose-lose situation.
Very similar situation with this kid... who is 17!!! Talk about babying your kid. But that situation is when the mother started hating our office, because we didn't call her when he came in after getting hit in the leg in gym class. Started calling her whenever he came in, and she got mad over that. She is just nuts!! How come every other student and parent can get a dr note clearing their kid for an injury, no problem... but you?? With you it's a major issue. And he still needs a current physical too, no wiggle room on that. I'm sure she'll scream about that too though if anyone can ever squeak out that info over her screaming.
I had baby boy come in again today because he had fallen while playing volleyball and some of the scab came off. No swelling noted! Slapped a bandaid on again, didn't have ice handy but he said he can live without it. Did not call mom not just out of spite but I was in the middle of deciding whether I should be sending a kid out because his asthma was getting worse and of course no inhaler this yr! Looking fwd to a lovely conversation on Tuesday with baby boys mom!
Finally got a fax in from his dr, for a current physical. Cleared him for sports, with 1 day left of try outs. And surprise surprise he didn't make the team! I'm sure his mother will blame that on us too lol. Despite the fact that the STATE required the current physical, not us!
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
don't let these mama bears get you down. We've all got them. You have to give them a reality check from time to time - that no we can't call realistically each and every time that baby boy comes in for a minor scratch that he is perfectly capable of telling you about - especially when he comes in while we're dealing with a significant injury or emergency. Heck, he'll be lucky to even get seen depending on what's going on if i have an true emergency. Especially if he's just coming down for a scratch or something minor like a sore throat.
As far as RNlove's mamabear - if she does start crowing that her boy didn't make the team because of you - kindly refer her back to the athletic director. There was still one day of try outs left - that gave him just as much of a chance as anyone else.