The more I think about a comment that my coworker made to me, the more ticked I get!!

Nurses General Nursing


I am going to brush it off, but it's crap like this that makes me hate going to work...

She is a day nurse, BTW. I have given this lady report 3 times in my 8 weeks of working here.

I was finishing up my charting this morning after a long 12 hour noc shift. She came up to me, all smiles, totally fake....sat down next to me and said...."Can I tell you something, and please don't repeat it." I told her yes....

"I figured out why you give me bad reports. It's b/c YOU get your reports from Amy S. I felt so bad last week after I realized that. Amy S never gives good reports, she flies by the seat of her pants. So be aware of that. I wish there was something that I could do to get it across to her"

Ummm, so I think this was her way of telling me to give a better report in the morning to her? I don't think this is a nice way to approach someone, do you???? And I give decent reports.......but this lady drills me. Wants to know so much info in report that IMO, isn't related to why the patient is here now........

Specializes in Home Care, Hospice, OB.

i was finishing up my charting this morning after a long 12 hour noc shift. she came up to me, all smiles, totally fake....sat down next to me and said...."can i tell you something, and please don't repeat it." i told her yes....

"i figured out why you give me bad reports. it's b/c you get your reports from amy s. i felt so bad last week after i realized that. amy s never gives good reports, she flies by the seat of her pants. so be aware of that. i wish there was something that i could do to get it across to her"


she doesn't give a flying fig about report--this is a world class "poop-stirrer" who gets her jollies starting trouble, so she can sit back, watch the fun, and deny any part of it!!

avoid her like the plague...and follow the wonderful advise already posted!:D

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I would just cut through the chase by asking her what sort of information did she want for report and leave it at that.

She was clearly getting at the both of you.

She couldn't wait to vent about Amy to you. Amy really irritates her.

I guess I would ask her what is wrong with the report that needs changing just to make sure if there was a legitimate improvement you understand. Then if it was petty, you can do it my way and collect unemployment and look for another job.

Why I am done with that environment. But I never had trouble with someone talking to me that way. My problem is those that interrupt you constantly with questions that you would have answered had they SHUT UP. And mgmt wonders why it takes so long to get out! They need to be taught how to receive report. I have gotten to the point where when they do that I ask them, "How do you want to do this, you ask and I answer or do you want me to tell you report and you ask questions in the end because chances are I will give you that information." I just recently had to work with one nurse - young, loud (liked to hear her own voice) she would basically ask you how to do things, about meds, etc. Like she needed me to prepare her for her whole day. A doc was putting in a discharge after 7pm shift change while we were doing report. As I told her, she started asking me all kinds of questions about it (are there going to be prescriptions, etc). Now if he was doing it right then and there how could I know these things? It came up at the last minute. She wouldn't ever think when she busted out with questions. She just had to hear herself. Totally unnecessary and not fair to the shift wanting to leave.

I heard her (cuz she was loud) calling pharmacy to verify compatibility on IV meds after checking them on the computer with the same resource they use. What a waste of pharmacy time. She basically was asking them to read to her what she read over two common antibiotics. The IV compatibility check was available to us on the computer but she needed the pharmacy to read it and tell her she was right. Just typical every day piggybacks. I think she was practicing communication techniques and was always trying them out and needing to hear herself.

If I was getting report from someone else and she was nearby receiving report, she would BURY people out with her loud questions.

Good luck!

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Listen, just ignore her. Like Blueridge said, "she is a world-class poop stirrer".

One night I got a patient from a med/surg floor, patient had been in the hospital for 3 months. The RN couldn't tell me why he originally came in, just told me why he was coming to me...Acute renal failure and no urine output...poor guy ended up on dialysis. Anyhow, gave report to one of the RNs on day shift, this particular RN wants a storybook report. Normally if I'm not busy, I'll look up patient's past labs and radiology reports, but I didn't have time to when I got this patient. It was a busy shift.

So when I gave this RN report and explained that I don't know everything regarding his hospital stay, I didn't get any report on it, just report on why he was coming to our unit. She said "Why didn't you look it up?', I said, "why don't you look it up yourself, have a nice day", got up and left. Report for him was done anyhow. The next night I came in and sure enough this same RN had the patient I gave her report on. So when she came to give me report I said "did you have time to look up his history?"...she wasn't happy but she learned her lesson.

Specializes in midwifery, gen surgical, community.

On the ward I used to work on, we had 30 minutes to give report on 32 patients (surgical).

The charge nurse used to ask question after question, and then berate us for taking so long in giving report.

One morning I had had enough. When she interrupted again I said to her "I have less than 1 min a patient to give report, do you want to pay me for a longer report or look it up when I have gone home".

She never interrupted again.

Specializes in ED/trauma.
There is a nurse that I work with who I HATE giving report to. She shows up and expects me to give her ALL of the info about a patient. I go early so that I can write down the names, doctors, allergies, diet, activities, etc., etc., and she is too lazy to do the same. She then berates (sp?) me if I don't have a piece of information that she thinks that she needs (I have begun telling her to look in the a nice and smug way.)

I feel your pain......don't let it keep you down. Ask at the end of the report if she has any questions about the patient you are reporting on. If she has no questions.....assume that your report is complete!!

We MUST be working with the same nurse...

Specializes in ED/trauma.
I was just talking about this subject with a fellow new grad the other night. It is very frustrating as a new nurse when another nurse comes along and asks a million questions about things in report that either A) you were just about to tell them if they'd shush for a minute or B) they insiduously imply that things weren't done on your shift that should have been done because you work on nights and have all the time in the world!! Of course I am probably being a bit oversensitive about this because there are nights when I run my butt off and still don't get anything done, but as long as my patients get all their meds and treatments, get all the care they need, orders are noted, charting is done, etc etc, they could try and be a bit more understanding when not every single part of the admission paperwork is done. And when I'm giving report, they should not expect me to know every single stinkin thing about the patient!! I do the best I can, I have no problems with my shift being lenient to me as a new grad but sometimes a few day shifters aren't so lenient.

I get the same baloney from one night nurse. Yes, I am biased and assume that nights have less to do. I'm sorry, but it is reality in our hospital. (I have 3-5 med passes, they have 2. I do all the procedures, they might have 1 or 2. I get all the new orders, at least 1 on every patient, sometimes up to 5, which total 6 to 20 new SETS of orders, whereas they get maybe 1 or 2 which are usually for lab draws, rarely for anything more detailed -- and, if it is more detailed, it necessarily falls onto my shift!)

In any case... it's baloney regardless of which shift it's coming from. You've just worked your butt off for 12 hrs. Yes, you know most of what happened, but not everything! If that nurse really needs to know something, it's not that hard to find in the chart or the computer or even the patient him/herself! She's just too lazy too look :banghead:

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