Thankful: 25 Things to be Thankful for as a Nurse

Check out these 25 things to be thankful for in nursing today. Then, add to the list by leaving comments below.


Thankful: 25 Things to be Thankful for as a Nurse

Many people forget about Thanksgiving. It's easy to do because it's squished between Halloween and Christmas. While eating a fantastic home-cooked meal is top of most people's Thanksgiving Day to-do list, it's also a time of gratitude. 

1. Your Work Bestie

They make you laugh and are there when you want to cry or pull out your hair! So, give your work bestie a big shout-out for putting up with your quirks and standing by your side through thick and thin. ❤

2. Finding Your Specialty or Niche 

When work aligns with your passion and gifts, it's no longer a job but a calling. Congrats are in order if you've found your niche. If you haven't, be thankful, you're on the path to finding it, so keep the faith!

3. Having a Cool Boss 

Finding a remarkable and compassionate supervisor who knows how to help you grow as a professional is something to thank your lucky stars for every day. So shout out to all the GREAT nursing leaders this Thanksgiving!

4. You Get to Save Lives 

There's more than one way to save a life. Sometimes you use CPR or drugs, and others, your compassion and empathy save a soul in need. Keep doing what you do! 

5. Modern Technology 

If you're ever short on things to be thankful for at work, think about what nursing was like back in the early 1900s. Today, you have monitors and dispensing machines that make your job a bit easier (most days!). 

6. You Got Mad Skills 

People don't always realize just how skilled nurses are these days. From IVs to catheters and more, nurses are highly specialized and gifted. 

7. You're Strong 

Whether standing on your feet or moving and lifting patients - nurses are a true picture of physical strength. You also comfort and guide others through some of their happiest and scariest days - this gives you the emotional power of a warrior!

8. Job Security 

There are many job opportunities for nurses at the bedside and away from it. Let's give thanks for finding and choosing the best job for you! 

9. Friends and Family Love Your Mind 

It can get old when everyone you know calls or texts with medical questions, but remember that you are intelligent, knowledgeable, and trusted. 

10. Patients and Their Families Love You 

Well, there might be a few you don't mesh well with, but for the most part - they love you! You provide care, compassion, and empathy, and they adore you. 

11. Your Health 

Being healthy is a blessing. You've seen firsthand what poor health looks like and the toll it takes on patients and their loved ones. 

12. Gloves, Gowns, Masks 

You know firsthand what it means not to have the supplies you need to care for others. Having needed PPE is a reason to celebrate somedays. 

13. Every Shift is Different 

Nursing isn't monotonous or boring. Every day holds new patients, diagnoses, and problems. Your mind is challenged daily.

14. Taking Off Your Shoes at the End of the Day 

Nothing feels better than kicking off your shoes and putting your feet up after 12+ hours of work. 

15. Silence 

You finally get in your car at the end of your shift. What do you hear? NOTHING! And it's fantastic!

16. Doctors Who Listen 

Working with a doctor who listens to you about changes in your patient's condition and even trusts your gut instincts is a gift. 

17. You Make a Difference 

Nurses are with patients during some of the most challenging days of their lives. You laugh and cry with them and make them feel better.

18. Scrubs 

Nurses basically work in pajamas. And you love it!

19. You Get to Meet New People 

How many patients have you cared for throughout your career? Hundreds? Thousands? It's great to meet new people and improve their life and overall health. 

20. Life-Long Learning 

You learned many new things in nursing school and felt powerful. Little did you know you would continue to learn and gain new knowledge throughout your career. 

21. Strict Nursing Instructors 

None of us were thankful for these folks when we were in school, but once you get your first job, you're appreciation for your nursing instructors really sets in. 

22. Supportive Family Members 

Living with and loving a nurse isn't always easy. Be sure to thank your family and friends for supporting you, especially on bad days. 

23. You Get to Teach Others 

You teach patients and family members how to care for themselves and their loved ones. Without you and your skills, patients wouldn't be well and thrive at home.

24. Blessings Your Receive Just by Caring 

Nurses go to work to help others. However, at the end of the day, the patients can leave you thankful because they touched your life and heart.

25. Days Off 

Nursing is an excellent career. But nothing compares to having days off and being able to care for yourself and your family - especially around the holidays!

Workforce Development Columnist

Melissa is a registered nurse with over 23 years of experience. She is a nurse leader and freelance writer who loves challenging the status quo.

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Specializes in LTC.

Paid time off and most of my coworkers is what I’m thankful for. 

Specializes in Psych, Substance Abuse.

I usually spend Thanksgiving with one of my friends from nursing school, and we always have a good laugh about that one "special" nursing instructor. 

Specializes in PICU, Pediatrics, Trauma.

A beautiful, positive and encouraging

post.  Thank you!

Specializes in Intensive Care, Paediatrics, Long-term care.

What a fun article! Thank you for reminding us of all that we should be thankful for, even PPE!!