Published Jul 21, 2012
Joe V
7 Articles; 2,561 Posts
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves coming up with a caption to this About A Nurse cartoon. You may submit as many captions as you wish. You have 1 week to achieve your objective. Follow the easy rules below.
Winner will receive $100!
Caption Contest Rules
To qualify for the prize money and fame, your caption must be posted here in this thread on
A poll will appear next week so you can help us select the winner from the top 8 captions.
We welcome everyone to participate! Join! It's Free!
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UPDATE: We have chosen 8 entries. Vote for your favorite - Top 8 Captions - Help select winner in 7th Nursing Caption Contest
1 Post
I don't know doctor. He wasn't like this until the patient accounts rep talked to him!
2 Posts
That's no monster. That's just the new nursing student without coffee. Coffee IV STAT!
He said he was feeling a little green...this is more serious than I thought!
Ma'am it's too early for an epidural. You're only 3cm.
590 Posts
"My back pain is a 20/10!! I need some of that, whatcha call it, diladim? dilada, dil.... something? I'm allergic to morphine, percocet, vicodin, oxycodone, oxycontin, darvon, codeine, tylenol, tramadol, ibuprofen...."
nursefrances, BSN, RN
1 Article; 601 Posts
Mr Hyde, I can't get your admission assessment and history done with you growling and grunting like that. Do you think Dr Jekyl could come out so I can ask him a few questions?
When I told the CNA to give him a bath, I didn't realize he would eat the 'Bath Salts'!!!
Luci Moran
It's the food here...I felt the same way last week!
While your here Doc...Could you order him a stool softener ? He says he's been a little constipated lately!
4 Posts
Frankly, doctor, I think she's just constipated.
Larry, go get a Snickers bar for Mr. Squatpump before I do a manual disempaction. It seems to work in the commercials. And a prune juice chaser...ya know, just for good measure.