Testing anxiety


I have generalized anxiety and it really comes out when I'm testing. I'd love to hear how anyone has overcome their testing anxiety and strategies to combat it :)

Specializes in Psych/OR.

Pray. Also what I find that helps me a lot is to talk to a classmate about the test

I have that...I just make sure I study a lot now. If you go in and really understand the material it helps. I am getting better now. I review and explain the work to someone else. That way I am sure I understand it. If you can teach someone else then you will know it. Besides that...just learn some breathing techniques to relax. I know there are apps for the phone you can listen to that help you learn relaxation you can use during a test.

I have the same issue with pre-test anxiety. I try to take 30-60 minutes before the test to just relax and not think about the test. I've found that going over my notes right before the test makes me start to over think everything and get confused about what I already know, so I try not to review right before the test. Plenty of deep breaths help too! ☺

Specializes in Psych.

I let my school know at the disability office about my anxiety and they had my dr sign a form confirming it so I can join the program. I can now do test proctoring and I get extra time to do the test. I don't really actually need the extra time but it does help keeping my anxiety down during testing. My only big issue is not freaking out during class! Other than that the services offered are very helpful. FYI in case you wanna give it a try.

Here's a great article about students who wrote about their anxious feelings before a test (for ten minutes) and did, as a whole, remarkably better.
Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

1. Pray that God will help you study, and remember what you've studied.

2. Study early, often, and hard being sure to take breaks in between where you engage in a physical activity.

3. I wash my wrists under as cold as water as I can find for a few minutes just prior to the test.

4. As silly as it sounds, I tell my to breathe on a regular basis throughout the test.

Thank you.

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